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Каталог "ПИНГВИН" - чуткий и душевный каталог!
Апорт Top 1000
Rambler's Top100

солюшены: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я
cheat-коды: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я - сеть живущая по правилам

прохождение игры
"Urban Chaos"

Physical Training 

Get moving as soon as you’re given control of D’arci. You’re timed and the clock 
starts ticking immediately. The first obstacles are basically short walls. Hold 
[Run] to automatically climb the first two, or jump onto them if you wish. The 
third one is taller than the others; you’ll have to walk up to it, hold [Run], 
and tap [Jump] to surmount it. 

When you’ve cleared the third wall, run up the stairs and climb onto the next 
ledge, once again by running up to it, holding [Run], and tapping [Jump]. Keep 
running to climb onto the next precipice and be ready to jump a gap. Jump to the 
next platform and climb one of the ladders by running into it and holding down 
[Run]. D’arci will climb to the top, where she’ll face a chain-link fence. 

Climb over the fence. The next obstacle simulates an unkempt warehouse. Some of 
the boxes are stacked three high, but you only have to climb over two tiers. Run 
forward, climb onto a crate, and climb up to the next level. Run straight ahead 
to the opening in the wall beyond the crates, letting yourself drop off of the 
crates at the far end. 

Continue on through the gap in the wall. Don’t just run off of the edge; jump up 
and grab the line above you. D’arci will hang on and slide to the bottom. 

You’ll land at the bottom of a short flight of stairs. Beyond it are two parallel 
rows of crates, perpendicular to your path. Run to the top of the stairs and, 
without slowing down, jump to the row of crates ahead and then to the next one. 
From the second row of crates, leap straight at the net-covered wall. Keep your 
finger or thumb on the [Run] control. Climb the net to the top of the wall. 

You’ll have to jump from the top of the wall onto a stack of crates, onto another 
stack, and onto the next wall. If you miss, there’s a crate up against the far 
wall that you could use to climb up, but that will cost precious seconds. 

Once you’ve mounted the next wall, you’re faced with a network of narrow bridges. 
A fall from one of them won’t hurt you and ladders are provided at intervals to 
allow you to climb back up, but that would waste time. Just be doubly careful as 
you run along the narrow catwalks. 

Once you clear the bridges, you’ll be coming up to the grand finale. The tower 
ahead of you is lined with ledges. You’ll have to run along each ledge, looking 
for higher ones that you can climb onto. Your goal is to climb to the platform 
with the switch. The path up is fairly linear, so it won’t be hard to navigate; 
it will be a challenge to run along the narrow ledges without accidentally 
falling off, though. 

When you’ve made it to the top, run over to the switch. Stand facing it and hit 
[Action] to press it. If you do it before time runs out, you’ve completed the 
Physical Training course. Congratulations! 

Combat Tutorial 

First up, you’ll be told to throw a few kicks and punches. The purpose of this 
isn’t to patronize you; it’s to get you to find your [Kick] and [Punch] controls. 
You should have a feel for where they are; if you don’t, use them until you do. 

Next you’ll learn how to sprint and how to do a sliding tackle. A suspect will 
appear on your GPS. Run up to him and, at the last second, hit [Kick] (while 
continuing to hold down the [Run] control). D’arci will slide into his feet, 
knocking him on his rear end. Then she’ll jump back to her feet. 

After that it gets a little trickier. Another suspect will show up on your GPS. 
You’ll have to clobber this guy with a triple-punch. After you’ve performed a 
triple-punch, guess what: you’ll get to do it again. Take down the next suspect 
who appears on your GPS the same way. 

Now that you’ve mastered the timing of the triple-punch, it’s time to repeat the 
process with your lower body. The next poor sap is to be the victim of a triple-
kick. Find him and take him down as instructed. 

Now that you know a few basic takedowns, you’ll learn how to make an arrest. You 
won’t be told how to take the next guy down; it’s up to you. Once you get him 
down, stand right over him and hit [Action] to cuff him. 

All right. Now you’re going to go up against multiple suspects. The goal is to 
learn side and back kicks. Follow the GPS blips to the building. The suspects are 
on the roof, so climb the ladder in the middle of one of the walls. 

Just like the rest of your suspects in this practice session, these guys won’t 
swing at you. They’ll surround you and dodge around. Ignore the one right in 
front of you. Look to your sides and rear. Pick a victim and use your movement 
control to slide a little closer to him. When you’re close, hit [Kick] (while 
still holding the directional control) to throw a kick. Repeat this process until 
only one suspect remains standing. 

The last man standing will stay in front of you, so you’re done with side and 
rear kicks. It’s time to work on grabs, instead. Walk up to him and, while 
holding down the [Forward] control, hit [Punch]. You’ll grab him, pin his arm 
behind his back, and bend him over. Now you can hit [Kick] to knee him in the gut 
or tap [Punch] to flip him onto his back. Just don’t dawdle: he’ll break loose 
after a second or two. 

Once you’ve thrown this suspect down, you’ve completed the Combat Tutorial. 

Driving Bronze 

Think of this mission as the driving tutorial. Driving a car isn’t difficult, but 
driving one quickly and with a high degree of precision is. The objective is 
simple: you’ve got a minute and a half to drive three times around the course. 
Try not to hit the cones. 

We’ll take you around one lap and toss out a few tips on getting the vehicle 
under control. Don’t worry about the timer just yet-make your first session a 
practice one. When the mission starts, Sarge starts the countdown after you get 
in the squad car. Walk up to the car and hit [Action]. 

To go forward, either hit your [Punch] control, your [Run] control, or your 
[Forward] control. You can toggle pursuit mode, in which you accelerate much 
faster, with the [Jump] control. You slow down, stop, and reverse with either the 
[Backward] directional control or the [Kick] control. 

Drive forward in normal mode until you start to approach the first turn. Turning 
is a simple matter of using the [Left] or [Right] directional key. Turning at 
high speed may cause you to skid, overturn, or otherwise lose control, so you 
might want to slow down. Turn the first corner and continue on to the next one. 

Try a power slide for the next corner. Accelerate toward it, but don’t slow down. 
Instead, slam on the brakes at the last minute and turn the car at the same time. 
You should skid while rotating. When you find yourself facing down the next 
straightaway, let off the directional control and the brake and hit the gas. 

This method of turning corners is ideal for taking sharp turns at high speeds. 
You’ve got two more turns left on this track. Gun it down the straight-aways and 
power-slide through the turns until the timer runs out. Try the mission again, 
experimenting with the controls and power-sliding as you need to in order to feel 
comfortable. When you’ve got it down, try racing in pursuit mode. When you feel 
at home behind the wheel, completing this course in the allotted time will be a 

Mission One: RTA 

You start this mission in the precinct station. None of the muggers have been 
located yet, but the location of the car is known and it’s available on your GPS. 
Follow it. 

Start walking toward the vehicle, taking a right out of the police station 
parking lot. Head down the block to the next corner, then take another right. The 
car is toward the end of the block on the opposite side of the street. 

Cross the street carefully and walk toward the car. You’ll radio dispatch and 
inform them that the vehicle is in working order and you’ll then be ordered to 
take it in. Hop in by approaching the vehicle and pressing [Action]. 

A new mark on your GPS, entitled Vehicle Drop, will appear. It’s the precinct 
parking lot. Drive the vehicle back along the same route you walked to retrieve 
it. As you approach the station, you’ll be radioed that one of the muggers has 
been spotted. A new mark appears on your GPS and then another one pops up right 
after you drop off the vehicle: there’s been an attempted murder and a friend of 
the victim is a witness. 

Once you apprehend the mugger, the level ends, so save him for last. Follow the 
yellow blip to the attempted murder scene. Again, take a right out of the station 
parking lot. Proceed around the block and cross the street; you’re going to go 
right past the area where the taxi was crashed. Bear left, go past the park 
entrance, and cross the street. 

Head into the alley in the middle of the block. You may receive a radio call that 
they lost the mugger. Go down the alley and around the corner to the clearing, 
where a group of onlookers has gathered at the scene. A frightened woman will 
tell you where the perp went and a red blip will appear on your GPS. Follow it. 

Leave the alley and take a right. Cross the street, go to the end of the block, 
and turn left at the intersection. Go down the block, cross the street, and look 
for an alley. 

The perp is in the alley. Take him down and search him-he’ll have a gun and a 
health kit. A green-blip mugger will reappear on your GPS-track him down. He’s 
moving, so you’ll have to follow the blip on your own. 

He’s also armed. When you catch up with him, he’ll fire on you. Use the Beretta 
you picked up to take him out. 

Mission Two: The Jump 

At the start of this mission, you’re having a conversation with one of the more 
seasoned officers. Pay attention to the hint that D’arci drops at the end of the 
conversation: you’ll have to take a quiet approach. Leave the precinct. You take 
a right out of the parking lot and head down the block. Turn right at the 
intersection and go down the block. Brooks Tower is indicated on your GPS by a 
blue mark. 

As you move down the sidewalk, you’ll receive a radio message that an Officer 
Miles has issued a distress call. He’ll appear as a red mark on your GPS-he’s 
just down the block from the Tower. 

Cross the street and turn right. You’ll be moving past the park. Directly across 
the next street, you’ll see the small crowd that has gathered to watch the 
jumper. Cross the street and take a left. Miles is down the block a little way. 

As you head down the block, watch for an alley on your right. You’ll find Miles 
just inside. Talk to him and he’ll inform you that his cruiser was stolen. The 
only witness was a streetwalker. You’ll have to find her to find Miles’ car. 

She’s right down toward the end of the block. Leave Miles behind and continue 
down the sidewalk. You’ll see the woman standing under a streetlight near a 
corner toward the end of the block where the street turns right. Cross the street 
and question her. 

She’ll fess up, pointing you in the general direction of where she last saw the 
car thief. A green blip will appear on your GPS. Follow it to an alley off of 
Lime Street. The alley will be on your left and the car thief is waiting inside. 
He’s a green-shirted Wildcat. After a brief conversation, he’ll charge. Take him 
down and head into the alley. You’ll see a squad car around the corner. Approach 
it and Miles will show up to thank you. He’s left you a "small gift" of a few 
power-ups outside the alley. Go collect them. 

Now it’s time to bring that jumper down in one piece. Cross the street and take a 
right, back the way you came. Take a left and head up the block toward the alley 
in which you found Miles. You’ll come up to a cop standing next to a ladder: this 
is your way to the rooftop. 

Climb the ladder. The jumper is on the far side of this row of buildings, but 
don’t run off in that direction-he’ll jump if he sees you coming. 

Take a right and go toward him. Climb onto the next ledge, but turn left instead 
of going straight to the jumper. You’ll see some power-ups; jump over and get 
them. A ladder rests next to the power-ups. Climb it and you’ll come to a 
platform with another power-up and another ladder. Repeat. 

You’re nearing the top of the building. Follow the ledge around this level to a 
ladder on the other side. Climb it and you’ll emerge at the very top of the 
building. There’s lots of antenna equipment up here and a long wire leads off in 
the direction of the jumper. Jump up and grab the wire. Hang on and you’ll slide 
down and land right next to the suicidal guy. You’ll scare the heck out of him, 
but he won’t jump. You’ll talk him down automatically and the level will end. 

Mission Three: Gun Hunt 

Deeks is in the park somewhere. The park appears as the blue blip on your radar. 
Take a right out of the precinct parking lot. As you head down the block, be 
watchful for a tiny red blip to appear on the left portion of your GPS. A bad guy 
lurks up on a roof across the street. You’ll encounter random baddies like this 
on occasion. 

Turn around and go to the end of the block, cross the street, and look to the 
left. There’s a yard here; hop the little fence and look in the right corner for 
a ladder. Climb it and bust the guy at the top. Take the bat and the medical kit. 
Climb down, cross the street, head to the end of the block, and turn right. Cross 
the street, bear right, and enter the park. 

Deeks is somewhere in here, but you’re not sure where. If you start questioning 
people, they’ll tell you about a crazy guy in the park. That is, in fact, not 
Deeks but some weirdo who wants to eat all of the squirrels. He’s running around 
the landscaped area to the left. 

Deeks is across the park standing in a depression, opposite the entrance you came 
in. He’s an overweight, bearded, older guy. Talk to him and he’ll toss you a hint 
on where to find the gun. It’s behind some trash in an alley. A red blip appears 
on your GPS that shows where to find it. Follow the blip through the park. Climb 
over the chain-link fence and cross the street, heading down the alley on the far 
side. The long alley zigzags back and forth. Red dots-gang members-will appear on 
your GPS as you go. They’re on the rooftops. 

Follow the alley until you see a dumpster in the corner on your left. The firearm 
is behind it; pick it up. You’ll get a call from HQ: an armed man has been seen 
roaming around and you’re to pick him up. He’s represented by a blue mark on the 
GPS. Follow it, letting it guide you out of the alley. 

As you go, you’ll hear a drunken bum babbling at you from a rooftop, predicting 
some sort of disaster. He’ll leap to the ground and stumble about; if you walk up 
and talk to him, he’ll give you a medical kit. Proceed out of the alley and cross 
the street. Head left and turn right at the corner. Once again, you’re going past 
the park. You’ll approach the armed suspect as you get clear of the park 

Yet another call will come in: there’s a disturbance at the diner. You’ll have to 
get there as soon as you can. A green blip appears to guide you. First, take out 
the crook. You’re free shoot him with the pistol you just recovered from the 
alley or you can take him down and arrest him. 

When you’ve dealt with him, get to the diner. The diner is the elevated patio 
across the street and up a street perpendicular to the park. There are two 
suspects in the holdup. They may try to flee as you approach. Subdue them however 
you want to-feel free to use the gun-but be mindful of the civilians nearby. 
Also, be aware they’re both armed with knives. 

As you take on the first one, the second diner suspect may flee. If he does, 
follow his blip on your GPS. The diner suspects’ blips are red and yellow. When 
you’ve arrested or otherwise dealt with the diner suspects, head back to the 
station to complete the mission. Remember, your primary goal was to retrieve the 
discarded handgun and return it to the station, so when you arrive Sarge will 
commend you on exceeding the requirements!

Mission Four: Trouble in the Park 

Take a right out of the station parking lot and head for the end of the block. 
Watch your radar as you go; a number of small, red blips will appear as you 
approach the corner. One of them will be pulsing: a gang member is approaching 

This gray-shirted fellow isn’t fast or menacing, but take him seriously: he’s 
armed with a Beretta pistol. Take him down and search him for the gun. Continue 
your journey. Take a right at the corner and go toward the end of the block. 
Another gangster will attack you, this one unarmed. Deal with him and stay on 
your toes: yet another lowlife is approaching. When you’ve dealt with both of 
them, search them and head for the end of the block. The park, as you probably 
remember, is a little to the right on the opposite side of the street. 

Another hoodlum will attack you. He’s unarmed, so he’ll be easy to deal with. 
Finish him off, search him, and head into the park. Follow the yellow GPS mark 
toward the disturbance. Watch your back. Another thug might try to attack you 
from behind. Take him down and search him. The disturbance is in the far left 
corner of the park. Three gangsters lurk there, but be careful-still more are 
hanging around. Another may approach from your right as you fight the first 

Engage them in combat. Use your gun if you wish. Arrest or disable each of them. 
During the battle another person will run up. D’arci wonders who it is, but 
there’s no time for introductions. Just as he approaches, four more Wildcats will 
rush in from the far side of the park. 

The mystery man won’t attack D’arci. Instead, he’ll charge at the new arrivals 
and start fighting them. Join him and fight until all of the Wildcats are down. 
If you use your gun, be careful not to shoot the guy who’s helping you out. When 
the battle is over, D’arci will demand to know who the new person is. He’s Roper 
McIntyre, an ex-con, and he’s got a tip for D’arci. D’arci decides to check up on 
the tips given to her by Roper and also to check up on Roper himself. After the 
conversation ends, so does the mission. 


When the mission starts, you’re standing outside of the UC Black Cats’ stadium. 
Three blips appear on your GPS: a blue one indicating the probable location of 
the gang bosses’ meeting, a red one showing the way to the stadium’s main 
entrance, and a yellow blip indicating rear access to the stadium. 

A few seconds after the mission starts, a small red blip will appear to the 
right. It’s a gang member approaching. He’s armed with a pistol. Take him down. 
The main entrance is swarming with gangbangers, so follow the yellow blip down 
the alley across the street. A stadium employee at the gate will inform you that 
a guy named Wild Bill told him he’s not to let anyone in, but D’arci negotiates a 
deal: if she can clear it with Wild Bill, he’ll let her in. Wild Bill is 
supposedly in the nightclub around the corner from the alley. It appears as a 
green blip. 


Leave the alley, turn right, and head for the stairs leading up to the nightclub 
entrance. Look out! A gangster may rush up and start shooting. If that happens, 
take him down. Head toward the bouncer and into the club. Find an old guy in 
coveralls looking over the dance floor. Walk up and talk to him; he’ll tell you 
Wild Bill isn’t accessible. After a threat, however, he agrees to contact Wild 
Bill and tell him to meet you at a restaurant called Posheenos. The green blip on 
your GPS will change to indicate the whereabouts of that establishment. 

Leave the club and follow the green blip across the street. A Wildcat will attack 
you. Take him down and search him. Go to the end of the block, bear right, and 
run along the chain-link fence until you find an opening. 

You’ll probably encounter a few more wandering Wildcats. If you do, take them 
out. Run through the opening in the fence and follow the green GPS blip. You’ll 
go through another opening, which is near the restaurant. Two punks will inform 
you that cops, and non-Wildcats in general, are not welcome around here. They’re 
armed with pistols. Beat them down. 

Head for the chain-link fence, hop it, and take a left. Veer left up the stairs 
to the restaurant. The entrance is around the right side. Go on in. The host will 
tell you where to find Wild Bill. Go talk to him. 

D’arci will convince Wild Bill to tell the groundsman to let her in. Just after 
he makes the call, you’ll get a radio message from Sarge about an armed thug 
loose on the streets. He’s shooting pedestrians. The new crook will appear as a 
dark blue blip on your GPS. Exit the restaurant, descend the stairs, and go down 
the street to find him. Take him down quickly, before he hurts any more 
innocents. Watch out: a few Wildcats might try to help him. 

Now it’s time to head back to the rear entrance to the stadium. Follow the 
appropriate GPS mark. You’ll probably go past the nightclub and you may face a 
few more gangbangers. Two Wildcats in the alley are waiting for you. Take them 
down. The rear access gate will be open. 

Follow the alley around a corner to what seems to be a dead end. A Wildcat will 
attack you with a bat-take him out. Make your way back around the corner and past 
the stack of crates. You’ll see two dumpsters: jump onto the one in the corner 
and, from there, jump onto the ledge. 

Follow the ledge to the corner and jump across the alley to the roof of the 
building there. Climb up the ledge to the next building, run across it to the 
wall between the pipes, and climb up that wall to the next rooftop. There’s a 
ladder in the corner on the left. Climb it to the top. 

Turn to your left. Go to the edge of the rooftop, jump down to the next one, and 
proceed to the ladder. Climb to the higher rooftop, run along it, and, again, 
jump back down. Climb up to the next high roof, take a right, and run along. 
You’ll drop over a few ledges. Keep going until you come to a rickety old 
umbrella. There’s a Constitution/Speed power-up beneath it. Grab it. 

Jump over the railing. You’ll land in the stadium itself, on a staircase next to 
a section of seats. Take out the nearby thug and proceed to the bottom of the 
stadium. Climb over the fence near the dugouts. Look onto the baseball field and 
you’ll see the three gang bosses standing between a couple of vans. 

If you recovered a bat at any time during the level, use it now. It’ll ease the 
job of taking down one of the bosses without killing him. Charge onto the field 
from the dugout area. As you approach the bosses, you’ll overhear part of their 
conversation. Run in, club one of them down, and arrest him. The level will end 
at that point. 

Arms Breaker 

Just as this level begins, you receive a call from Roper. He claims he has 
something you might need to accomplish this mission. He’ll appear as a yellow 
blip on your GPS; the arms caches are red and blue. 

Go across the street and take a left on the sidewalk. There are Wildcats all over 
the place, so be ready. Two of them are waiting just up the block. You’ll hear 
them talking about D’arci becoming a threat to the gang’s business. Take them, 
and any Wildcats that show up to help them, out. 

Take a right and head under the elevated train tracks. Look to your left: Roper 
is across the street near a pay phone. Walk across and talk to him. He’ll tell 
you that he’s also working to take down the Wildcats and that there’s more to 
them than meets the eye. He’ll give you two bundles of explosives, which should 
be helpful in destroying the arms caches. 

Head back across the street and retrace your steps back to the patio where you 
started the level. Follow the red blip around the corner to the right and up the 
sidewalk. You’re sure to encounter more of the increasingly common Wildcats, so 
be sure to take them down as you do. You’ll come to a dead-end street. Hook a 
left and look for an alley; head down it. You’ll catch a john accepting the 
services of a hooker and send them on their way. Continue down the alley. Take a 
left and look for an elevated, fenced-in patio. Go around it to the other side, 
where you’ll find a stairway up to it. Watch out: there are Wildcat thugs all 
over the place in this alley. 

Go up the stairs to the patio and then climb onto the low rooftop directly in 
front of you. You’ll see a bridge across the alley directly ahead of you. Cross 
it, then take a right and climb up to the next roof. Climb to the next one after 
that, follow the ledge to the right, and cross the alley once again on a higher 
bridge. Ascend to the next ledge on the roof of that building and follow the 
ledge to the right. You’ll see a ladder on the left leading to the very top of 
the structure. 

Head left and you’ll see the highest bridge over the alley yet. This is a long 
bridge leading over several buildings. Cross it and take a left. Lower yourself 
off of the ledge and pick up the ammo on the rooftop. Turn toward the edge that 
doesn’t have a railing; if you walk up to the edge, you can look down to your 
left and spot the first ammo dump. You’ll also see plenty of Wildcats. 

Bear right and lower yourself down onto the next ledge, then deal with the 
Wildcat there. Taking him out may yield a shotgun, which will come in handy in a 
minute. Look for a ladder and prepare to descend it. You’re going to have to 
fight a bunch of Wildcats at the bottom of the building. 

The ladder will deposit you on a landing next to a stairway. This is a good place 
to draw a projectile weapon. There may even be a thug on this landing. Take them 
down. Make sure the area is clear of Wildcats and approach the weapons cache.Arm 
one of the explosives that Roper gave you at the start of this mission. Get out 
of there! 

After you blow up the first supply cache, you’ll get a radio call from Roper 
telling you that the Wildcats are bringing in a van to transport the rest of the 
supplies out of there. Better get moving! 

A small structure next to the supply cache you just blew up has a ladder on the 
far side. Go around, scale it, and follow the bridge to the building at the far 
end. There are Wildcats all over. Arm a weapon now. Jump across to the lower 
building and then drop to the ground. The supply cache is in the corner on your 
right. Take out the nearby Wildcats and blow this cache the same way you did the 
other one. 

Now it’s time to wipe out the team that the Wildcats sent to pick up the weapons. 
It’s represented by a yellow mark on your GPS. Follow it out of the alley and 
across the street. You’ll see its van blocking the entrance to a parking lot; the 
pickup team is inside. Be careful! There are quite a few and some are pretty 
powerful. Use a shotgun to take them down if you have one with ammo. 

One or more of the pickup team members may try to flee as you pick them off. 
You’ll have to chase down every one of them to complete this mission. When you 
do, the mission ends. 

Media Trouble 

You’ve got to get Gordansky or the UCPD will be seriously humiliated on the 
evening news. Don’t head straight for the beach house where the reporter is being 
held, though. Roper has contacted you and thus far he’s been very helpful. Go see 
him first. 

Grab the Constitution/Speed power-up on the corner of the rooftop. Note the cable 
leading down. You’ll land on a lower roof near a TV antenna. Pivot to face left. 
You’ll see a water tower on the next rooftop over. Run toward it, down a narrower 
section of the roof you’re currently on. Jump over to land next to the water 
tower and look down. Another cable attaches to the corner of the building below 
you and to your left. 

Drop over the edge, grab the cable, and slide down to the ground. You’ll land on 
a sidewalk. Pivot to your right. Roper is the yellow blip on your GPS. Head down 
to the end of the block and hang a left. Run down the block to the corner and 
take a right to follow the sidewalk along. Chances are very good that you’ll be 
assaulted by a Wildcat somewhere around here, so be alert. Run past the first 
building on your left and look to the left. Roper will be standing on a patio 
just up a short flight of steps. 


Walk up to Roper and he’ll offer you ammo and grenades. Be ready, because another 
hoodlum may approach at the end of your conversation. Roper will run off and 
leave you to face the thug yourself, so take him down. Run to the far edge of the 
patio and jump over the railing. Cross the street, head for the sidewalk, and 
take a left, following the blue blip on your GPS toward the beach house where 
Gordansky is being held. Go all the way to the corner. The buildings part to 
offer a view of a grassy hill. Take a left and run along the sidewalk near the 
open area. 

When you see a tall, white wall on your right with an iron fence atop it, you’ve 
found the beach house area. Continue forward to the yard’s entrance. D’arci will 
remark how heavily it’s guarded and pay heed: those guards are armed with M16s. 
Stand at the head of the driveway for a moment and observe the guards patrolling 
the beach house grounds. There’s one on an outer, elevated patio and another on 
the grass. If you time it right, you can take out the latter guard with a 

Sneak up carefully to where he fell and take his M16. Head back across to the 
left side of the beach house. Remember to walk and watch for cans and debris that 
you may kick by accident, alerting the guards. Back away from the beach house 
until you can target the guard on the veranda. Shoot him down with the M16; the 
guy guarding Gordansky will come around the corner. When you take him out, you’ll 
receive a radio message form Sarge telling you to get the reporter to safety. 

Watch the entrance from the street; the Wildcats will panic once they figure out 
what’s up. Now, speed is of the essence. Run for the new blip on your radar and 
have that M16 at the ready! Remember: Gordansky is helpless and weak. One shot 
will kill her. 

You can increase your chances of getting Gordansky back alive in several ways. 
Watch your radar for red blips and keep your weapons at the ready. Kill any 
Wildcats you see on sight. Stay on the main roads, out of the alleys, and run, 
don’t walk. Don’t sprint, either; you’re much faster than she is and, if you lose 
her, she’ll panic and run wildly. Don’t lead her into the streets or she may be 
run over. Take a right out of the beach house, run to the end of the block, and 
take a right. Run along the sidewalk and veer left to cross the street. Run down 
the block and round the corner to the left. 

Don’t follow the radar directly. Stay on the main roads. Run to the corner of the 
block, past the alleys, and take a right. The police station is straight ahead 
now. Be careful crossing the street. When you approach the station, a video 
sequence will take over. You’ll talk to the reporter and learn that the Wildcats 
are being backed by City Hall! 

Urban Shakedown 

This mission doesn’t really lend itself to a walkthrough, per se. Not only must 
you stay alive while taking on a lot of Wildcats, but also you must do it fast. 
You’ll start in the precinct station parking lot. Believe it or not, the station 
itself has been firebombed! 

Take a right out of the parking lot. The first Wildcat will be on the sidewalk 
ahead of you. Take him down and be ready to grapple with another one coming from 
across the street. The second one is armed with a pistol, so watch yourself. Now 
turn back the way you came. Run past the precinct lot to the end of the block and 
take a left. You’ll face four gang members near the next corner. 

Take these guys down. You’ve got to be fast, but be just as methodical. You’re 
outnumbered, so if you get sloppy you may end up dead. When you drop this group, 
your time will be extended and your GPS will fill up with new blips. Head for the 
corner and turn left. Run down the street and take out the first Wildcat, who 
will be approaching you. Another one lurks on a rooftop on your left as you 
proceed. When you pass below, he’ll jump down to attack. Be ready and take him 

Cross the street and continue toward the corner. You’re approaching the park. Two 
thugs will be on your side of the corner. After you take them down, cross the 
street toward the park and take out the next two. Three more wait down an alley. 
If you remember the Gun Hunt mission, it’s the alley across the street where you 
found the discarded pistol. Follow the GPS blips into the alley. Round the corner 
and use the shotgun you got from the park thug to take down the first two. 

Head around the next corner, back toward the main street. You’ll meet a Wildcat 
who’s standing next to a row of land mines. Take him out and hop carefully over 
the mines. The next wave is already here, in the park. Head across the street and 
watch the hill in the near corner of the park. Two Wildcats will crest it with 
shotguns at the ready. Shoot these guys down as fast as you can. Another will 
approach from behind you and yet another from the left. Shoot them, too. 

When you’ve dropped all of these crooks, enter the park. The last one in this 
wave is near the main entrance-the one you first saw in your first mission, RTA. 
You should have enough ammo between your pistol and your shotgun to shoot the 
rest of the bad guys. Shoot this one and the next wave will emerge. 

This wave contains three groups. Take out the one back across the park first. 
Follow the blip, climb the fence, and shoot the Wildcat in the alley. Turn around 
and head back across the park yet again. You’ll meet the next group, this one 
consisting of two Wildcats, on your way. Blast ‘em and head back to the alley you 
just came out of. 

The last group is tough to find. Go into the alley you frequent so often and find 
the ladder where the alley widens out. Climb it and go to your left. You’ll see a 
tall chain-link fence just past a drop. Climb over the fence and head down the 
alley. You’ll find three thugs around the corner to the left. 

Finally, you’re encountering the last wave. Jump over the edge of the building 
ahead of you and follow the blips down the sidewalk. Be merciless with these guys-
they’re armed with heavy weapons. Continue down the sidewalk, taking out the next 
group. Cross the street into the alley, where you’ll find the last thug. He can 
take quite a few bullet hits, so you might want to get him with a sliding tackle. 
When you peg the last crook, the level ends. 

Auto Destruct 

You’ll want to sprint through a lot of this mission and try to run past the bad 
guys. The car bombs are timed and, if you don’t get them to the disposal units 
soon enough, they will go off. Head straight for the first car bomb. Keep 
sprinting. You’ll want to go straight ahead past the cop cars and across the 

Hook a left and run to the corner. Turn right and go through the alley. A Wildcat 
skulks across the alley; go right on by. Keep moving. Run all the way through the 
alley he was in, past the next two thugs. Go straight across the street to the 
parked sedan and get in. The alley you just came from is too narrow to drive this 
car through, so head down the street to your right. The Wildcats will try to head 
you off. Feel free to run over them. Keep your speed high so they can’t shoot up 
the car. Take a left at the first corner. 

Take another left, then head down the street and follow it to the right. You’ll 
be coming up on the bomb squad, which will be on your right. Run back out the way 
you came and take a left. Head down the sidewalk to the turn but keep going 
straight; cross the street and run into the alley. Ignore the thug for now. 

At the other end of the alley, veer right and cross the street. Follow this block 
around the corner to the left. You’ll run past more thugs-ignore them. The car is 
on this sidewalk at the end of the block. Hop in. Gun the engine. Take a right at 
the first corner, head to the end of that street, and take a left onto the next 
one. Go around the corner to the left, follow the street around the corner to the 
right, and you’ll find the bomb squad in the middle of the street. 

Follow the blips back down the street and through the alley. This time, bear 
right and head through the park. Kill any and all Wildcats you see along the way. 
Follow the blips into an alley. When you catch up to the terrorists, holster your 
weapons. Remember, they’re to be taken alive. 

Take them down and you’ll get a call from Sarge. He’s aware that you’ve followed 
the terrorists into some sort of hideout. He’d like you to search it. The hideout 
houses five dumpsters. You can search them the same way you do suspects; walk up 
to them and hold down [Action]. Two of the dumpsters are in the corner of the 
alley opposite the entrance. The one on the left contains an interesting item. 

When you’ve found it, head to the area in which you started the level. A new blip 
on your radar, entitled Sarge, will be available. To end this level, you’ll have 
to talk to Sarge about what you’ve found. The conversation will be interesting. 
After this conversation, the mission ends.

Grim Gardens 

First, keep your eyes open. This entire level is crawling with Wildcats. Chance 
encounters will be the norm. Before you can blow up any drug caches, you’ll need 
explosives. The UCPD isn’t offering any assistance and Roper isn’t around to 
supply you this time. It’s up to you to find them. They’re in the Botanical 
Gardens, which are closed and locked. 

Leave the parking lot and cross the street to investigate the garden gates. Bear 
left; you’ll run into your reporter friend. Pay attention to the conversation to 
pick up a few plot points. The gardens are locked up tight and you can’t get over 
fences with barbed wire at the top. Return to the gas station and look in the 
back left corner. 

Walk up to that green van and get in. Back it out and pull it onto the sidewalk 
across the street. Get out. The wall you parked it next to is too tall for you to 
climb, but now you can climb onto the van and over the wall. You’re in the 
Botanical Gardens. Watch out-they’re full of Wildcats. Go straight ahead and drop 
down off of the wall. Take out the guard in the doorway near the far side of the 

Go through the doorway and look at the wall on your right. Press the two red 
switches to open the gardens up for easier access. Head through the next doorway 
and look up a very wide flight of stairs. Guards roam everywhere. Take them down. 

At the top of the stairs, look down the wall to the right. Hit the switch you see 
there and you’ll get a message that a fountain has been turned on. Turn 
completely around and look across for a switch next to a lift. Run over and flip 
it. D’arci will say a very bad word and observe that the power is off. A power 
switch mark will appear on your GPS. 

Now backtrack. Head back down the wide flight of stairs and through the next few 
doorways to the wide area through which you entered the gardens. Look to your 
left. The explosives are in the next part of the gardens, through that other 
doorway. Go through it and watch out for the armed guard. 

Go straight across the landscaped area through the entranceway in the next wall, 
which leads to a long flight of stairs. Climb the stairs and bear left. Run down 
a narrower flight between some statues. Head left and go down another flight. A 
guard is posted at the bottom. Take him down and look to your left. You’ll see 
the explosives near the far wall. 

Immediately after you pick up the explosives, you’ll hear Sarge radio that a 
felon known as "Koons" has been spotted. Koons will appear on your GPS. You’ll 
have to leave the Botanical Gardens to pick him up. Go back toward the stairs, 
being mindful that two Wildcats may charge down them and attack you. Run up the 
stairs, turn right, and go up the next flight. Bear right, but run past the wide 
staircase. Go through the doorway just past it and down the stairs. Look to your 
left for the power switch-and its two Wildcat guards. 

Circle around to the wide staircase and descend it, then traverse the 
landscaping. Continue going forward until you see one of the gates that you 
opened earlier. Exit the gardens and follow Koons’s blip. He’ll be on the move, 
so you’ll have to track him. Koons is a tough guy and he’s armed with a pistol. 
Take him alive by tackling him. When you collar him, return to the gardens. Head 
through the opening where you found the first few switches, go up the very wide 
staircase, and take a left. Wait for the lift to drop to ground level and hop in. 

Hop off at the top. You’ll be on a grassy penthouse patio. Take out the guard and 
look along the wall to the right for a ladder. Climb the ladder and take a left. 
Pillars mark each of the far corners of the building. A cable runs from the 
pillar on the left down to an area near one of the narcotics caches. Take a deep 
breath and catch that line. 

A Wildcat waits at the bottom of the zip line. Take him down and head around to 
the right of the building. Climb onto the parapet and follow it along. As you 
approach the far side, look down over the right side for the cache of crates. 
While you’re looking down, notice a platform not too far below the one you’re on. 
Drop onto it and make your way to the ground. 

Three thugs roam at ground level. Use your GPS to track them and take them down. 
Arm an explosive, walk up to the jumble of crates housing the narcotics store, 
and plant it. Get out of there! Head away from the burning drug cache and toward 
the wall you came over. Follow it toward the street and watch for a ladder on the 
right. Climb it. Turn left, follow the narrow wall to the corner, turn right, and 
take a few steps. Turn around, run toward the corner, and leap onto the ledge of 
the next building. 

Continue along the ledge and jump onto the bridge that crosses the street to the 
right. Run across the bridge; you’ll have a bird’s-eye view of the next drug 
cache. You’re standing right over the second cache. If you drop into the corner 
of the courtyard, you’ll drop right onto it. Arm an explosive, drop in, plant it, 
and run away while switching to your pistol. Guards swarm all over the place. You 
won’t have to fight for long. When the explosive detonates, the mission ends. 


Head out of the station parking lot and take a left. Take down the thug you’ll 
meet almost immediately. You’re on your way to meet Deeks. Continue down the 
sidewalk and take a right at the corner, crossing the street. You’ll proceed 
through an alley with checkered tile. 

The Wildcats will challenge you directly. They have no fear whatsoever of the 
UCPD. Introduce them to a bit of fear by taking them down hard. After you’ve 
cleaned out the alley, bear right and continue on your way. You’ll emerge from 
the alley onto the open street. Head to the end of the block, take a left, and 
continue on down the sidewalk. Cross the street and look for an alley next to a 
building called The Blue Moon. Turn down that alley. 

Go through the parking lot at the end of the alley. You’ll see a chain-link fence 
on the far side; run along next to it between it and a house until you see Deeks 
ahead of you. Climb the fence and talk to him. As you approach Deeks, he’ll 
berate you for being late. During the conversation, you’ll both be attacked by 
Wildcats. Take them down before they kill Deeks! 

Talk to Deeks once you’ve cleared out the Wildcats. He’ll tell you there’s a cop, 
Officer Molko, with information about the Wildcat invasion. He’ll appear as a new 
blip on your GPS. Deeks will split after he delivers his info. Hop over the short 
fence and take a right, following the Molko blip. As you run up the sidewalk, 
you’ll hear a cry for help from high above. 

Continue on your way, but forget about Molko-for now. When you get past the 
section of the street where the building juts out and there’s no sidewalk, look 
to your right. Hop over the little fence and look to the right for a ladder. 
Climb it and turn left on the rooftop. Take out the Wildcat and climb up to the 
next level. Take out the next Wildcat, turn sharply to the right, and climb up to 
the next level by the water tower. Climb up the ladder and up the next two levels 
and take out the thug who’s threatening to throw the guy off the building. 


Talk to the man you saved and you’ll be rewarded with a few power-ups. Return to 
street level the same way you came up. You’ll meet at least one more Wildcat on 
the way. Take him down. Go straight ahead from the ladder you first climbed to 
the street. Take a right and head down the sidewalk. About the time you catch up 
to Molko, some thugs will attack; Molko will help you drop them. When the fight’s 
over, talk to him. He’ll deny that he has any information, recommending you talk 
instead to Roper, who will then appear across the street. 

Walk up and talk to him. He’ll talk cryptically about the Wildcats’ plans to rid 
the city of the police department. Roper will ask you to join him on a hunt for 
evidence-to accept, he’ll ask you to take the shotgun he’ll offer. Take it and 
follow him. Follow Roper. He’ll lead you a few blocks and down an alley. When you 
get to the middle of the alleyway, you’ll see a disturbing number of Wildcats on 
your GPS. Arm up your shotgun and get ready to start shooting. 

Seek cover where you can and shoot everything that moves (except Roper!). He’ll 
help. When you’ve vanquished the Wildcats, he’ll congratulate you and tell you 
about part of his current agenda. He’ll go take care of some Wildcat business 
uptown and you’re to go to the docks and take out a supply of Semtex explosive 
needed by Bane, a guy running for reelection. Stock up on the weaponry dropped by 
the fallen Wildcats. Search the bodies-you’ll need all the ammo you can carry. 
There are two Semtex caches. Follow the new blips out of the alley. 

Arm your shotgun and shoot down every Wildcat you encounter. You’ll catch up with 
a few just outside the alley. Kill them, exit this area through the opening in 
the white fence, and head right down the sidewalk. Take a left and cross the 
street at the crosswalk. Go straight along the tall chain-link fence and look for 
an opening ahead of you. Enter it and shoot allof the thugs to your left. 

Getting to the Semtex is going to be a battle and there’s no avoiding it. Head 
back past the entry gate and fight your way down the ramp to your right. Clear 
out the thugs in and among the boxes and find a ramp on the far side of the pit 
leading into the next area. Fight your way up the ramp and take a left. Kill all 
of the thugs here. You’ll run into Officer Smyth, who’s been tipping off the 
Wildcats. Take him down. 

Climb to where Smyth was standing and follow the implied path around to the 
right, climbing as you go. You’ll come to a drop with a ladder at your feet. Back 
over the edge and descend the ladder. You’re approaching the docks. There’s a 
long, narrow path directly in front of the ladder. It leads to the docks and 
they’re crawling with Wildcats, who are armed with pistols, shotguns, and M16s. 

Continue along the dock, killing everything. When you reach the edge of the dock, 
a Wildcat will threaten to blow you all up with a grenade. Kill him. Two barrels 
hold Semtex. When you’ve killed every living thing on the docks, locate them. 
Shoot them from as far away as you can target them. When you blow up the Semtex, 
the level ends. 

Cop Killers 

You start this mission in the safe zone, which will remain a blip on your GPS 
throughout the mission. The safe zone is easily recognizable by the ground-level 
fog around it. When the mission opens, D’arci will be talking to Roper. You’ll be 
given control of D’arci first and Johnson will appear on the GPS. 

Go straight out of the protected zone, cross the street, and veer left at the 
traffic island. You’ll meet at least one Wildcat immediately. Take him down and, 
as you progress toward the nearby building, another one will taunt you from the 
rooftop. Take a right at the building the thugs attacked you from and turn left 
immediately. Follow the sidewalk in the direction of Johnson’s blip. You’ll meet 
more Wildcats along the way. When you reach the corner, turn right and cross the 

Go into the corner alley. Blow up the mines with your pistol (from a good 
distance!). Move into the alley and be ready for a fight. Two Wildcats guard 
Johnson. Take them out and he’ll be very grateful. The scene will then switch to 
Roper-you’ll now take control of him to go rescue Officer Beck. 

Remember two important things about Roper: he can’t sprint and he doesn’t arrest 
suspects. Kill all opposition. Head out of the safe zone and down the street, 
moving along the sidewalk to the left. Take a left at the first corner and 
continue down the sidewalk. 

When you get to the next corner, veer right and cross the street. Take out the 
thug near the taxi-filled parking lot and run right through the lot, keeping the 
red blip ahead of you. Approach the entrance to the taxi lot. Look across the 
street for a stairway leading past the building fronts. Wildcats lurk in the 
area. Cross the street and engage them; your goal is to go up the stairway and on 
to wherever it leads. 

Once you’ve gotten past the stairs, look along the wall to your left for an 
opening. Run up the stairway, turn left, and climb up onto the ledge. Run toward 
the street (from which you entered the alley) and turn left. Leap across the 
alley onto the opposite platform, head for the wall, and turn right. Follow the 
platform along to the next wall, which has a water tank on it. 

Turn right at the water tank and be ready for opposition. You’re getting close to 
Officer Beck. Take out the guard and lower yourself from the wall straight ahead. 
Proceed straight from the wall. Take out the Wildcats across the alley. Find 
Officer Beck; he’s unconscious to your left. Roper will take a glance at him and 
decide it’s best to carry him back to the safe zone. 

You can carry Beck by walking up to him and pressing [Action]. Notice, however, 
that you can’t use weapons or engage in hand-to-hand combat when you’re carrying 
him; you’ll have to put him down when you enter a fight. Your best bet is to 
avoid encounters altogether. Hoist him up and head out of the nook you found him 
in. A half dozen Wildcats skulk at the end of the alley dead ahead, so turn right 
and run along. Go past the raised patio on the left. Then, take a left and head 
down that alley. 

Watch out for the mines! Exit the alley, dropping poor Beck whenever you meet a 
Wildcat, and take a right. Move along the sidewalk. You’ll see the taxi lot on 
your left; now it’s full of Wildcats. Set Beck down on the sidewalk, cross the 
street, and clear those wildcats out. Go diagonally through the lot. Keep an eye 
on your GPS for flashing red dots, which indicate attacking Wildcats. If you see 
one, drop Beck and take the thug down. 

When you get to the opposite corner of the lot, veer left to the crosswalk and 
cross the street. Go left down the sidewalk. You’re almost there. Stay to the 
right. Set Beck down at the corner and clear your path of Wildcats before you 
proceed. Pick Beck back up. You should be able to make it to the safe zone, near 
the police cruisers. It’s D’arci’s turn again. 

Johnson will follow you. He’ll also help you bag suspects. Head out of the alley 
and take out the thugs there. Go straight down the street and watch for your GPS 
to fill up with little red blips. Take the thugs down as quickly as possible and 
continue on your way. Follow the sidewalk around its various corners until you 
return to the safe zone. When you do, the level ends. 

Southside Offensive 

The map is crawling with Wildcats and, if you nail enough of them, you’ll win. 
You’ll start near the swimming pool. Officer Green is next to you. Talk to him 
first and then be off. Green will follow you throughout this mission and aid in 
fighting and arresting Wildcats. For each Wildcat you bust, the crime rate goes 
down two percent; the mission starts at eighty percent. 

Now hit the street. Pass the pool and climb the fence. Notice the two red blips 
near each other to your left. Head for them. Take out any Wildcats along the way. 
As you approach them, Sarge will radio you with information about a drug deal 
going down. Notice how eager Officer Green is to get into the action. If he dies, 
you lose the mission. Head out of the parking lot toward the beach house. You’ll 
see two thugs across the street, one on the right near the fence and one on the 
left pillar. 

Now work your way down the block as if you’d exited the beach house and taken a 
left. You’ll meet up with a Wildcat near the corner. Round the corner and go up 
the right side of the street; you’ll meet two more. Continue up the street. 
You’ll hit another Wildcat loner and you’ll meet a few more at the corner. Take 
down the first two you encounter, then hop up onto the raised patio to your right 
to nab the third. 

Turn the corner and keep on going. You’ll be heading in the direction of the 
police station at this point. Pass the corner with the establishment called Choke 
and bust the guy on the sidewalk, then double back to the corner. A Wildcat will 
drop from above to attack. 

Moving away from the police station, take a left at the Choke corner. You’ll meet 
another gang member on the next corner. Bust him and take a left. When you see a 
side street leading off to the right, turn right and cross the street and head 
along under the elevated train tracks. You’ll meet a Wildcat at the next corner 
to take in. Then, turn right and look to your right for the alley. A gang member 
waits within. 

Turn around and leave the alley. Cross the street and go to the corner. The guy 
there will have grenades; take him down fast! Round the corner and continue 
along. As you approach the white fence, you’ll be shown a short scene in which a 
seedy deal goes bad. The two surviving perps are to your left. Take them down. 

You’re probably very close to completing the mission at this point. If you 
haven’t already reduced the crime rate to ten percent, walk through the vacant 
lot to the far exit. At least three Wildcats lurk in this area. Collar them. 

If that doesn’t complete the mission, follow the yellow blip to the police 
building. Take out any thugs along the way. You’ll probably complete the 
objective even before you reach the building. If you don’t, there are plenty of 
crooks near the police building. When the crime rate reaches ten percent, the 
mission ends. 

Psycho Park 

You’ll start out next to the park. The three marks on your GPS represent a gang 
of murderers in the park, a psychotic nutcase, and some thugs called Falcon 
Group. Head straight into the park and take down the three murderers. 

After you collar them, Roper will show up. He’ll leap down heroically from the 
top of a fountain. From here, he’ll follow you and help you with any fighting you 
engage in. The lone psycho is on the move, so follow his mark to locate him. 
Shoot him from a distance; don’t try to engage him. He’s armed with an M16 and, 
if he gets the first shot, it could be the last. 

Now, follow the blue blip toward the Falcon Group. It’ll lead to the far side of 
the park from where you started. Take out any Wildcats you encounter along the 
way. When you get to the far end of the park, cross the street and follow the 
sidewalk to the right. The Falcon Group will be in an alley on the left. Watch 
for it. 

As you head down the alley, you’ll hear a pair of criminals talking to each other 
about some sort of seedy job. Be ready to fight when you round the corner. When 
you’ve dealt with the Falcon Group, you’ll receive a call from Sarge announcing 
that the leader of the local chapter of the Wildcats has been spotted. He’s 
flanked by two guards. You’ll have to take him down. 

The new blip leads you out of the alley. Cross the street at the crosswalk and 
bear right. You’re heading back toward the park. Turn the corner and continue 
down the sidewalk. Cross the street and head to the next corner and then take a 
right. You’re going around the park. Bear left and cross the street. Continue to 
the end of the block. You’ll see the kingpin and his posse across the 
intersection standing in what appears to be a service station parking lot. 

Don’t worry about taking any of them alive. Go ahead and gun them down. When 
they’re finished, you’ll receive an urgent call from Sarge: a group of Wildcats 
is moving in on the police building! If they make it to the front door, there’ll 
be chaos. HQ is just opposite the block directly behind you. Follow the green 
blip (UCPD Entrance) at a sprint. You’ll close in on a group of four Wildcats. 
Gun them down quickly. 

Another group is approaching from the direction you just came from and a lone 
Wildcat is approaching from the other side of the building. Take down the group 
first, using the pillar at the parking lot entrance for cover. Take the group 
out, turn around, and attack the lone Wildcat. When he’s down, you’ll get another 
radio message from Sarge: more Wildcats have been spotted at the storage 

Follow the blips out of the parking lot. They’re labeled Cat Elite, so be ready 
for a real challenge. Head down the block, across the street, and around the 
outer perimeter of the park. When you get to the far side of the park, cross the 
street and proceed down the sidewalk of the road leading away from the park. Keep 
a powerful weapon at the ready; you should have collected a shotgun and an M16 by 

Two of the elite are at the far end of the street in a parking lot. Several 
Wildcats sidle along the left side as you approach the elite. Be wary of a 
parking lot entrance on your left; the rest of the elite and more Wildcats are in 

Take out the elite at the end of the street by shooting them down and double back 
toward the parking lot, which will now be on your right. The maze of crates 
inside this area is full of elite. This will be a very difficult battle, 
complicated by random Wildcats who will occasionally rush in to help out. Use 
your GPS to spot the elite. Keep the shotgun or M16 at the ready and fire as soon 
as you have a target. Keep your eye on Roper, too; he’ll get himself killed in 
here without your immediate attention. 

Make your way gradually through the crate maze. Take the elite out one by one. Do 
not rush it, or you will die. When you’ve finished them off, the level will end. 

The Fallen 

You’ll start this long mission at the police building. The only blip on your GPS 
is the murder scene. Head out of the parking lot and across the street and run 
straight down the block. When you get to the corner with the elevated train 
running across, take a left. Chances are, you’ll see a lot of Wildcat action in 
this area. Take them down. Note also that the ‘Cats are attacking civilians. 
Intervene whenever you see an assault in progress. 

Follow the road’s right turn. Proceed to the next corner and take a left. 
Continue down the sidewalk to the crime scene. You’ll see two cops talking to 
each other. When they’re done, talk to one of them. While he’s filling you in, 
the camera will zoom out. Someone is watching you from a nearby rooftop. The 
watcher is on the last building you passed before you got to the crime scene. 
Head around to the back of that building. Be careful-there are a lot of Wildcats 

Climb the fire escape to the top of the building. When you get there, the 
stranger is gone, but there’s another body to be found. With it is the first of 
the five clues you’re required to find. Grab the clue. It’s a napkin from the 
diner in front of which the first body was found. A cop, Officer Bellows, will 
show up and take over the case. Climb back down to ground level and return to the 
murder scene. 

Go along the right side of the diner. Talk to the lady there. She’ll tell you her 
husband is at Scarper’s Cove. The location will appear on your GPS and it’s your 
next stop-unless you run to the back of the diner lot and search the dumpster, 
which we’d advise. Cross the street at the crosswalk and head down the sidewalk 
toward the cove. Watch out; at least three Wildcats await you in an alley. Take 
them down and continue on, past the beach house, to the cove. 

Go through the grassy hills to the shore, where you’ll witness a murder. Take out 
the offender and pay attention to the cut scene immediately following. The 
mystery man will appear on your GPS. Go check out the object next to the victim. 
A brochure promotes a nightclub, which will appear on your GPS. This is the 
second clue. Notice the large number of red blips between you and the road. 
You’ll have to fight your way out of the cove. Some of these Wildcats are armed 
with heavy weapons, so try to be the first to shoot. 

Jump over the short fence back to the road. Stay to your left. There’s a car 
parked on the sidewalk: "borrow" it. Drive your borrowed car straight down the 
street away from the cove. Drive all the way to the right-hand turn and follow 
it; keep driving until you notice that, according to your GPS, you’re coming up 
on the Dancing Fool Club. Get out of the car and go around to the back of the 
club. You’ll witness another murder. 

Kill the assailants and grab the next clue, which is a piece of paper that one of 
the murderers is carrying. After you pick it up, a blip called Distress Call will 
appear on your GPS. Wait on that one for now. Let’s go find the "mysterious man" 
at the other blip. Get back in your borrowed vehicle. Turn the car around, drive 
it back down the street you came from, and take your first left. Take another 
left, then a quick right. Go around the block until you see an entrance to a 
parking lot. Pull in a little way and stop the car. The mystery man is a Man in 
Black! Arm a powerful weapon (shotgun or M16) and get ready for a major 

You’ll have a short conversation with him. When it’s done, attack him 
relentlessly! If he gets a chance to fire, do a dive roll in either direction. 
Kill him as fast as you can. When you do, he’ll disappear in a bright electrical 
flash. Now head on foot to the distress call. Go through the parking lot and down 
an alley on the right. Run to the next alley on your left and into it. You’ll 
find the complaining citizen in here. 

He’ll tell you he heard people crawling around on his roof. The camera will zoom 
out and you’ll see two MIBs on his roof, sure enough. Since you won’t find a 
custodian to show you to the roof hatch, you’ll have to find another way up. This 
one’s a toughie. Go back to your car and hop in. If your car is severely damaged, 
feel free to borrow the dead MIB’s van. 

Drive it out of the parking lot and take a right. Head to the end of the road and 
take another right. Drive down the street until you see a section of the building 
on your right jutting out and blocking the sidewalk; stop right after that part 
of the building and hop out. There’s a ladder to your right. Climb it, take a 
left, and hop up onto the next ledge. Circle around to your right and climb onto 
the next ledge. Climb the ladder to your left and then hop up onto the step. 
Shoot the Wildcat in front of you. 

Turn left, jump the gap to grasp the edge of the next wall, and pull yourself up. 
Run along the ledge and take out the thug on the parapet up ahead. More Wildcats 
will come running after you off the first one. Kill them with your pistol, saving 
your rifles for what lies around the corner. If you have an M16 and ammo, switch 
to it now. You face two MIBs around the corner to the right. This fight might 
seem impossible the first few times you partake in it. Kill them with as much 
force and hostility as you can! Do not give them a chance to fire back. 

Grab the paper that one of the MIBs dropped, It’s the fourth clue and it’ll lead 
you to the park. Make your way down from the building carefully and head back to 
your vehicle. Drive up to the corner and turn right. Turn right at the first 
intersection, follow the road around to the left, and turn right again at the 
next intersection. Take the road to the end and turn left. As you pass the park, 
you’ll witness another cold-blooded murder. Get out of the vehicle after the cut 
scene and arm a big gun. 

You’ll face another MIB. As with the others, attack relentlessly. When he dies 
and his body disappears, grab the final clue, which he will leave behind. It’s a 
videocassette labeled City Hall. 

Stern Revenge 

Roper begins this mission on a dock in a graveyard. Run through the misty 
cemetery to the far side, where you’ll see an entrance on your right. Clobber the 
Wildcat waiting for you there. You’ll see three blips on your GPS. Facing out of 
the cemetery, they represent (from left to right) two hostage situations and a 
police vs. Wildcats gunfight. We’ll take them from left to right. Head up the 
sidewalk to your left and stay ready to take on any Wildcats you encounter. 

The first hostage situation lies within the borders of a white fence you’ll find 
at the end of the block. Clobber the sentry to the right of the opening and go on 
in. The first area is barren. Go toward the opening in the next white fence ready 
to fight. You’ll have to aim carefully: the Wildcats and hostages will be near 
each other and there will also be explosive barrels endangering the hostages. 

Go straight in past the vans and take out the three Wildcats, along with any more 
that show up. The hostages will thank you when they’re free. Head back out to the 
street through both fences and take a left. Go past the stacks of crates and run 
between the chain-link fence and the wall. Bear left into the alley and kill the 
two Wildcats there. 

Move deeper into the alley and watch out for mines. Use your pistols to blow a 
path through them. The next area holds Wildcats and hostages. Again, they are in 
close quarters, so check your targets. Three Wildcats guard the captives, plus 
another two off to the right. Kill them all, then head through the opening to the 
right near the last two. Take a right when you get past the chain-link fence. 
Ahead of you, you’ll see several police officers and squad cars near an opening 
in the fence. Head over there. 

As you approach, one of the cops will tell you to step back. You’ll explain 
yourself. As you walk through the opening in the fence, another cop will demand 
to go in with you. Take him along, walk in past the fires, and kill the two 
Wildcats guarding D’arci. Watch out for the explosive barrels-they could injure 
her. D’arci will tell you about another hostage situation, which will appear on 
your GPS as Monument Square. Go back out of the area and take a right, heading 
for the new situation. 

Go to the end of the block, cross the street straight ahead, and turn right. Take 
on the hordes of Wildcats, then follow the sidewalk around the corner to the 
left. You’ll be attacked from the top of a flight of stairs on your left; fight 
the attackers and go up the stairs. Go down the next flight opposite. Turn right 
onto the sidewalk and continue on. Bear right and you’ll come up to the next 
hostage situation. Only two Wildcats guard this bunch, but be careful where you 

The vans that the Wildcats have been using to transport hostages have been seen 
on the move. An appropriate GPS blip will appear. You’ll have to track them down 
and blow them up. Go straight across the square and bear left onto the sidewalk, 
taking down the Wildcats nearby. Cross the street and follow the sidewalk left to 
the end of the block. Follow it around the corner to the right. A few yards up, 
you’ll see the vans parked up the street. They’ve been stalled by some flaming 
car wrecks. There are a few Wildcats on foot, too. 

Now walk up to the first van in line and shoot it up. Three shotgun rounds should 
do it. When it blows, the driver will be ejected. Beat him up or shoot him; it’s 
up to you. Repeat the process for the next two vans. When the last van is 
destroyed, the mission ends. 

Transmission Terminated 

This is a lengthy, difficult mission. Wildcats swarm everywhere, so take them out 
as you see them. When the mission begins, your GPS shows three blips: a sniper, 
the TV transmitter, and the hostage situation. Start with the sniper. Follow the 
sidewalk to your right. 

Follow the corner to the left and keep going. Run all the way along the river to 
the end to where it turns left again and continue along. Keep going until you see 
an alley on the right with the front of a van sticking out of it. Go down the 
alley and look right. Climb over the tall chain-link fence. An old guy will yell 
at you, but stand your ground. He’ll keep threatening until he attacks. Take him 
down. Then, climb up the boxes in the corner to the ledge above. 

Directly across the rooftop you’ll see a bridge stretching off toward the 
sniper’s perch. Cross it. A ladder leads up a short building on the top of the 
roof on the far side. Look at the top of the short building and you’ll see the 
sniper. Climb up and attack the sniper. You’ll score an M16 and there are also 
grenades and power-ups in the vicinity. You’ll see bridges and ladders off into 
the other side of the building and, if you wish to explore, do so-just make sure 
you revisit the alley in which you climbed up the crates. We’ll assume you head 
back down the way you came. 

Climb down the crates and you’ll find some much-needed explosives on the ground. 
It’s time to go after the transmitter. Getting to the transmitter is a long and 
complex process. You start in an alley at ground level. Cross the street at the 
crosswalk to find that alley; it’s straight ahead. Go straight into the alley. A 
few Wildcats lurk where it widens out. Look for a dumpster near a short wall 
facing you. Hop onto the dumpster and, from there, onto the wall. Turn right and 
run all the way down the row of skylights to the end. Watch for two Wildcats to 
jump you at the corner. Take them down and turn the corner to your right. 

Climb the flight of stairs, circle around to the right, and climb the next 
flight. At the top, turn left and climb over the ledge with the antennae on it. 
Look to your left as you drop over the other side and eliminate the guard you see 
there. Now run up the flight of stairs next to the guard. Circle around the 
platform until you find a ladder and climb it. See that cable right next to you? 
Jump up, grab it, and slide down. 

You’ll drop onto another rooftop. Run around the wall to the right and look for a 
ladder. Climb it. You’ll see an antenna and a first-aid kit before you. Bear left 
from the antenna and walk along the ledge. Another zip line leads to yet another 
rooftop. Jump up, catch it, and hang on! Turn right and run to the back of the 
building. Look to the left for a ladder. Climb it and look right. You’ll have to 
jump from the platform to some step-like ducts. Do it, turn left, and climb up to 
the top of the building. Climb up to the next cable, jump up, and grab it. It’ll 
deposit you on another building almost identical to the one you’re leaving. 

Turn right and head to the back of the building. Once again: look to your left 
for a ladder, climb it, look right, jump to the ducts, turn left, and climb up to 
the zip line. This cable actually leads to the broadcast building. You’re getting 
closer, but you’ve still got a long way to go. The cable will deposit you on a 
platform next to a ladder. Climb it and bear right. 

Run around the building on the parapet. When you get to the opposite corner, turn 
and draw a weapon. Kill the Wildcats lurking there. Collect their weapons, move 
to where the far guard had been standing when you first saw him, and find a 
staircase. Climb it. At the top of the stairs, you’ll have to jump over to a 
small platform at the bottom of a ladder. 

Climb the long ladder to the top. Turn right and notice the first-aid kit on the 
roof to your left. You’re about to face a Man in Black. Drop down next to the 
worker and climb the ladder onto the small building. Look to your right and 
you’ll see the bottom of a ladder attached to the tall wall. Turn right and climb 
onto the parapet. Get a heavy weapon ready. The MIB is just around this corner. 
Attack him mercilessly. 

When he’s out of the way, head for the ladder that leads up to the top center of 
the gigantic building. You’ve made it to the transmitter. Plant a bomb and get 
back down the ladder fast! The whole building will shake for a moment and small 
fires will break out. Head back around for the ladder you climbed and descend it. 
Run around the small building at the bottom, climb onto the parapet, and look for 
a zip line. This is a very long cable, but it will get you to the ground quickly. 
Jump up and grab it. 

Cross the street to the TV building, turn left, and follow the building around. 
Look to your left as you approach the metalworks factory for some cops standing 
at the foot of a long ramp. Head up the ramp. The cops will rally and join you. 
They’ll breach the gate, so follow them in. Get a firearm ready and take out any 
Wildcats you see. 

Clear the yard with the help of the police. Veer right and head for the doorway. 
You’re about to enter a hostage area, so be ready to check your fire and kill any 
Wildcats you see-without shooting their captives. Kill them all. If any of the 
cops survived the initial assault, you’ll order one of them to follow you. Climb 
up the crates in the back right corner of the room to reach the catwalk. 

When you reach the catwalk, run along it through the doorway. You’ll emerge 
outside. Use the crates to lower yourself to ground level, mindful of the 
Wildcats in this area. Destroy the opposition. Locate the switch on the side of 
the metalworks building. It will open the gate between this area and the outer 

Run across the yard to the small building with the two dumpsters next to it. 
Climb onto one of the dumpsters or the crate and onto the building’s roof. Run 
along the bridge from that building back toward the main one and use the ladder 
to climb onto the roof. Run around to your right and look for an opening leading 
into the small building. Head inside, kill the Wildcat, and free the last 
hostage. The level will end. 

Estate of Emergency 

You’ll start near a cadre of cops, facing down a street that heads near the 
estate. There are Wildcats everywhere! On your way down the street, take out any 
Wildcats who attack. The road widens into a parking lot. You’ll have to deal with 
at least a half dozen Wildcats in this area. Battle as many as you have to and 
bear right past the two cars parked in front of the garage. 

Run past the wood pylons to the wall and turn left. Go around the fence and run 
along until you see an opening to your right with two short fences running across 
your path. Hop over them and eliminate the Wildcats nearby. Look in the far left 
corner for a ladder leading up to the top of a hedge wall. Climb it and watch for 
Wildcats. Take out any who come near, then drop down the other side. There’s a 
laser beam across the path ahead. If you break it, you’ll set off a powerful 
explosive. Crawl under it instead. 

Head left around the next corner, where there are still more Wildcats to deal 
with. Take them down and continue through the narrow opening ahead. Climb the 
ladder on the far corner to the left and take a left. Run along the top of the 
hedges until you see an opening in the fence. Pass through it; now you’re on the 
estate wall. Run along the wall and take out any Wildcat guards you encounter. 
Eventually, you’ll come to an opening on your right. Go on through: you’ll emerge 
onto a rooftop of a building on the estate grounds. 

Drop to the ground. The estate grounds are maze-like, so you’ll have to use your 
GPS to guide you to the electronics house that holds the switch. Be sure to kill 
any and all Wildcats you meet along the way. When you disable the security 
system, the GPS will show the main house. Follow the blip, killing Wildcats as 
usual, until you reach it. There’s an entrance in the middle of the back wall. 

It’s a trap. Bane has elite ‘Cats waiting to pounce. D’arci will be captured. 
Bane will talk to D’arci for a few moments, indicating that he has known her and 
Roper for centuries. Outside, where the police are waiting, Roper will show up. 
You’ll take control of him to rescue D’arci. Breach the grounds the same way you 
did with her, starting with a trip down the street. 

Head past the garage, run up to the wall, and take a left. Run along, looking to 
the right for those little fences. Continue over the hedge wall, down the other 
side, and through the next area. Climb the ladder up onto the compound wall and 
slip through the fence. Note that the laser sensor has been disabled. Run down 
the fence to the opening on the right. Since you don’t have to find the switch, 
you can stay near the main building. Jump across the gap to the pillar next to 
the main building. 

Climb onto the roof and follow the right edge until you’re almost right over 
D’arci’s blip. Kill the Wildcats on the ground and drop down. 

Now get ready for battle and go in. Turn right and take out the thugs holding 
D’arci captive. Roper and D’arci will talk for a few moments and then you’ll be 
updated as to what Bane is doing. He’s readying missiles of some sort! You’ll 
have to try to catch him before he gets away in a helicopter. You’re in control 
of D’arci again; Roper will follow. Head out of the building. The getaway 
helicopter will appear on the GPS. Run along, staying to your left, clearing your 
path of Wildcats as you go. 

Be careful: there’s an MIB near the chopper. Use powerful weapons to take him 
out. Run onto the tennis court, take out the guards, and collar Bane. Don’t kill 
him-take him down quickly so Roper doesn’t kill him either. Once you’ve arrested 
him, the mission ends. 


Ideally, you might want to sneak past the guards in this level-but you don’t have 
to. If you take them down quietly, you’ll be fine. The small building to the 
right of the entrance is a guard post and you’ll be in deep trouble if anyone 
inside hears you fire a weapon. Don’t do that until you’re well past the post. 

You start just outside the open gate to the facility. A Wildcat patrols the 
grounds inside, near the large building. Knock him down, cuff him, and take his 
M16. Note that most of the guards are armed with this powerful weapon; in any 
encounter, knock the guard down fast. Another guard may drop from the roof; take 
him down too. Head around the right side of the building and look around the 
corner. You’ll see a closed gate with a switch next to it. 


A guard patrols the side of the building. Knock him down, cuff him, and open the 
gate. Go through and take down the guards just past it. Go left around the 
building. Take out any guards you see. You should have plenty of M16 ammo by now, 
so open up. Mow down every guard and the MIB patrolling the road running off to 
your left. Turn up that road, shooting down any guards you see. Go through the 
doorway in the last building on the right. Be ready for opposition as you pass 
through it. 

Perform a sweep of the building’s interior. There will be at least three guards 
to eliminate. When you’re the only live person inside, follow the yellow GPS blip 
to the corner office that contains the file you need. Roper pulls up in a van to 
get you out of there. You’ll have to make it to the front gate and run up to the 
van. Go out of this building the same way you came in. 

Turn left and go to the corner of the building. The white blip on your GPS 
signifies an MIB between you and the van. Don’t worry about him now. Return down 
the road to the gate that you had to open earlier. As you round the corner to the 
right, several guards will attack you. Take them out. Remember to search each 
body; you’ll need all of the M16 ammo you can get. 

Go through the gate, ready for combat. Veer left, following the path you took on 
your way in. Battle the two guards in your way. Go past the large building and 
turn right, ready to move between the big building and the small guard post. Kill 
the two guards who come at you and get ready to take on MIB number two. When you 
take him out, you’re home free. Meet Roper at his van and the level will end. 

Target UC 

On this tough mission, ammunition and weapons are scarce and each missile site is 
heavily guarded. Take single enemies out with hand-to-hand combat and make sure 
you search everyone for ammo and weapons. You’ll start out on a wooden sidewalk 
near some cabins. Notice the seven-minute timer already counting down. 

Head down the walk past the cabins. You’re going to have to pick up explosives 
before you try for the missiles. A Wildcat lurks on the right just past the first 
cabin; take him out quickly with hand-to-hand combat. Veer left from the 
sidewalk, following the green blip representing your supplies. Run across the 
snow. Some crates sit behind a short, wooden fence. Again, battle the one Wildcat 
in this area with your hands to conserve your ammunition. Then, find the pack of 
explosives among the crates. 

Look for the opening in the fence. Past it, you’ll see two Wildcats near a 
building. Head over there and take them out of the action. Go ahead and use your 
pistol; they’re tough. Then, climb the ladder and grab the shotgun ammo at the 
top. Climb back down the ladder, and go around the building to the left. Go over 
to another building a few yards away next to a snowed-over road and climb up the 
ladder. Eliminate the Wildcat among the crates and grab the explosives. 

Now it’s on to the missiles. Look at the three remaining blips on your GPS. Head 
first for the yellow one to the left. You’ll have to run across a snowy field 
with a Wildcat patrolling. Add his ammunition to your growing hoard. Veer left 
until the yellow blip is to your right on the GPS. Turn and climb the hill and 
look around for the technician. He should be near the missile. 

He is your first target. Take him down before he reaches the missile controls. 
Only after the technician is dead should you turn your attention to the other 
Wildcats. When you’ve cleared the area, search the bodies. You’ll find at least 
one shotgun. Plant an explosive next to the missile and get out of the way. 

You’ll find the third explosive on the roof of the nearby building, as well as 
two or three Wildcats. Climb up, take them out, and grab the explosive. Follow 
the red blip toward the next missile. Watch out for mines in the snowy hills. 
Move up the hill. You’ll see the control panel just at the top, between you and 
the launch pad. Stay near it until you’ve dealt with the technician. 

Move slowly around the panel to the right. You’ll encounter a Wildcat; kill him. 
The tech will be between you and a platform, which is about thirty yards away. 
Take out the tech and prepare to face the MIB on the platform. Three shotgun 
blasts will do him. Approach at a run and start firing right away. Watch out for 
the Wildcat next to him and be ready to dive to one side if the MIB gets a bead 
on you with his minigun. When he’s down, plant the second explosive next to the 

The final missile base is on a raised platform. You’ll have to reach it by 
sliding down a zip line. Find the ladder on the building next to the missile pad 
and climb it. A cable leads away toward the final blip on your GPS. Ready your 
shotgun. Then, jump up and grab the line. 

You are going to land next to the technician. The missile will be on your left 
and the technician and the control panel will be on your right. You’ll have to 
pivot to the right, target him and take him down as fast as you can. You’ll also 
be attacked by Wildcats; after you kill the tech, you must leap out of the way of 
their fire and engage them. 

When you have your bearings and have taken care of any immediate threats, clear 
out the rest of the area. A Man in Black lurks around here. Vanquish him with a 
fast, fierce shotgun attack. Finally, get to the missile. Plant the last 
explosive and get out of the way. In five seconds the mission will be a success! 

Headline Hostage 

Speed is everything in the first part of this mission. You don’t have time to 
collar thugs or explore the locale for power-ups. Your only priority is to get to 
Gordansky immediately. The trick in this level is to ignore as many enemies as 
you can: run around them, sprint past them, but don’t waste time engaging them. 

You start in a police-protected safe zone. Sprint straight down the street. Stay 
to the left and run right past the barrels and bad guys. Try to stay far enough 
to the left that the MIB, on your right, doesn’t detect you. Run straight down 
the street. Gordansky is the only blip on your GPS and she’s in the middle of the 
Botanical Gardens. 

When you get to the end of the block, hang a sharp left and sprint away from the 
Wildcats. Run through the yard and hop the fence on the far side. Fade right, 
toward the sidewalk, and run toward the mines you see in the distance. Hop the 
short fence and avoid the mines. Break left and run down the alley. Run past the 
chain-link fence straight to the wall and climb the ladder. 

Jump down the other side and run through the courtyard. Head for the opening in 
the wall to the left, through which you’ll hop over a set of mines and run up a 
staircase. Turn right at the top of the stairs. You’re getting close to 
Gordansky. She’s in an area ahead and to the right of you, two stories down. 
You’re running along next to a short wire fence. It ends up ahead. Just past 
that, the patio ends at a corner. Jump over the corner and down into the area 
below. Gordansky will be to your right. 

Gun down the guards. You’ll have a short conversation with Gordansky and then 
it’s time to get her out. The timer will disappear, but that doesn’t mean you can 
relax. Gordansky’s life is in your hands and the sooner you head to the protected 
zone, the more likely she is to survive. Gordansky will follow you from here on. 
Lead her up the stairway on the far side of the courtyard to the left. At the top 
of the stairs, turn sharply to the right and run along the ledge toward the chain-
link fence. 

Climb the fence and drop into the street below. Take out any nearby Wildcats as 
Gordansky follows along. When she’s in the street with you, turn right and run 
for home. Stay on the right side of the street. Take out any Wildcats you can as 
you run past. Grab a shotgun if you get the opportunity. When you see the ominous 
white dot on your GPS, stay as far to the right as you can. You must not engage 
the MIB with Gordansky in tow! 

The two Wildcats near the barrels are only yards from the safe zone, so they may 
give you trouble. Kill them as quickly as possible. You’re almost there. Run on 
down the street toward the cop car. When you reach it, Gordansky will be safe and 
the level will end. 

Insane Assault 

Baalrog is nearly impervious to firearms and close-quarters combat is impossible. 
It can be victimized by explosions, however, so, rather than shoot it down, 
you’ll have to blow it up. You start the mission in an alley that contains three 
locked gates, a number of land mines, and plenty of explosive barrels. Before you 
investigate the incident, open all of the gates. Each is opened with a switch on 
a nearby wall. Don’t disturb the barrels or land mines; hop over them. 

Later, you’ll lure Baalrog into the alley. Take a look around and get familiar 
with the surroundings. Once the demon appears, you’ll be able to find grenades on 
the higher ledges of the back section of the alley, accessible by climbing onto 
the dumpsters in the corner. Now, head for the Brick Road incident. Go back out 
of the alley and turn right. The Brick Road corner is a little way down on the 
other side of the street. Clobber any Wildcats you encounter along the way.

The Evil Extraterrestrials 

As the mission begins, bring up your big gun and fire at the silvery spacecraft 
that enter through a vent. You should be able to shoot down three or four of 
them. It takes about three shots to kill each. 

Face forward and kill the saucer on the bookcase ahead. Look left to take out the 
one next to the ship model. Then look down and to the right to nail the one on 
the lower shelf. Look up and left to get the one on the picture frame. 

Turn left to eliminate two saucers in front of the dresser. Look farther left to 
down the one against the wall. Continue left to take out the last two. 

You’ll find a pair of bodies on the corner. At first, there appears to be no 
explanation, but two Wildcats will come and attack you. They’re probably the 
culprits. When they go down, Baalrog will appear near the alley. Head for it 
right away. Baalrog will begin blowing up any cars and people nearby. You’ve got 
to lure it into the alley, where it will set off the land mines and where you can 
detonate barrels and land mines near it. First, you have to get its attention. Do 
this by drawing your pistol and shooting it. 

When it charges for you, run for the alley. Use the GPS and your camera controls 
to make sure you don’t get too far ahead of it and cause it to lose interest in 
you. When you get into the alley, look out for the land mines and a few Wildcats 
who may have wandered in here. If you get a chance to, shoot some of the barrels 
near the demon. 

Lure Baalrog through each gate into the deepest section of the alley. Then, climb 
onto one of the dumpsters in the corner to the left of the gate (as you enter the 
last section from the outside). Hop up to the ledge beyond. Run down the ledge to 
the rear of the alley. Turn right, climb up to the higher ledge, and run past the 
bridge to grab the grenades. 

More grenades are on the far side of the bridge if you need them. Turn to face 
the demon and arm the grenades. Line him up in the targeting area, pull the pin 
(with the [Punch] control), and keep him lined up until the timer reaches four 
seconds. Release it and hope for the best. If Baalrog stepped on a mine or two on 
the way in, or if you managed to blow some barrels near it, a couple of close 
grenades should finish it off. 

If you run low on grenades, there are still more on a platform near the mouth of 
the alley. You’ll have to climb down, exit the alley, and look on the wall to the 
right for a ladder.

Day of Reckoning 

You’ll play the first part of this level as Roper before switching to D’arci to 
finish the game. Roper’s task is to bring three wounded civilians to safety. You 
start facing D’arci. Turn around and run, looking to your left for a valve. Run 
up to it and turn it by activating the [Action] control. Turn around and run 
along the parapet to the corner of the building. Draw your pistols, turn right, 
and blow away the two Wildcats. 

Pick up any pistol ammo they drop, but leave any shotguns and ammo for D’arci. 
She will need them. Run around the corner to the left, hop over the rail, and 
shoot the mines up ahead. Two Wildcats will come around the corner from the 
right. Kill them and proceed around that corner. Look to the right around the 
next corner and shoot the mines you see there. 

Head down the corridor you’ve just cleared and follow it to the left. Kill the 
two Wildcats in front of you. Continue along, following the walkway around 
another corner to the left. Two more Wildcats will approach from behind. Take 
them out and then holster your weaponry. Now, look toward the end of this 
corridor. Walk up to the wounded guy in civilian clothes and hit [Action] to pick 
him up. 

Carry him back the way you came. Go down the corridor past the second set of land 
mines you blew up. Continue, bearing left, until you see steps on your right 
leading up to a power-up. Just past those steps, there’s an alley. Go through it 
and carry the wounded man to the starting point near D’arci and the cops. When 
Sarge radios in confirming that the survivor is safe, lay the guy down by 
pressing [Action]. Turn around, go back through the alley, turn left, and look 
ahead for a set of crates, where the second victim is. 

Head over and pick him up. Carry him back to the safe zone and deposit him there. 
Head for the third survivor, who is near the first pair of Wildcats you took 
down. Go along the parapet near the safe zone, locate him and pick him up, and 
return him to the safe zone. When you get the last survivor to safety, it’s 
D’arci’s turn to play. Control will switch automatically. Run and pick up the 
dynamite next to the valve. Then, search the bodies of the fallen policemen. 

Run along the parapet to the right. Turn the corner, search the dead cops, and 
pick up the shotgun equipment you avoided when you were playing Roper. Run along, 
hop over the rail, and head for the open area. Kill the two Wildcats behind the 
barrels. Look to your right. Go through the open gate and activate the switch on 
the wall to the left. Turn around, walk to the end of the parapet, and wait next 
to the edge where the rooftop drops off to nothingness. You’re waiting for a 
floating platform. 

When the platform arrives, step onto it. Wait for it to move and face the 
direction the platform moves. You’ll be carted along toward a series of ledges 
leading off to the right. Kill the Wildcat with your shotgun. Then, ignore the 
ledges and look left. Another floating platform cruises along on a path 
perpendicular to the one you’re on. It’s moving back and forth between a point 
near where the platform you’re on stops and a distant destination. Your platform, 
meanwhile, will move back and forth from where you boarded it to the ledge where 
the Wildcat was. Wait for the two platforms to converge near each other and jump 
to the other one. 

Ride the hovering platform to where it stops. Be ready to shoot the two Wildcats 
there and hop off of the platform (to the right if you’re facing the direction it 
brought you) before it leaves. You’ll see Bane surrounded by glowing light. 
Ignore him; you can’t hurt him now. Turn right, run along the wall to the corner, 
and turn left. As you approach the chain-link fence on your left, watch up ahead 
for an MIB. Attack with fearsome vengeance and a powerful weapon and destroy him. 

Go up the stairs. Wildcats swarm all over the place. Kill them all and be very 
wary of grenades. At least two of your adversaries in this area will toss a few. 
If you continue straight ahead from the short stairway (where you killed the 
MIB), you’ll come to a lower section of the roof. An MIB waits just beyond the 
drop. Kill him just like the other one-with a relentless attack. 

Hop down and finish off any remaining Wildcats. The rooftop is now safe for you 
to blow the fuel reservoir. The switches you must activate appear on your GPS as 
fuel pumps. You’re closer to Fuel Pump 2, so follow that blip to the bridge that 
leads to the switch. Next, go to Fuel Pump 1. You can find it by hopping back up 
to the higher portion of the rooftop (near the ledge where you killed the second 
MIB) and following the GPS Fuel Pump 1 blip to your left. Cross the bridge and 
activate the switch. 

Now it’s time to blow the fuel reservoir. Follow the blip to it; it’s easy to 
spot-it’s the tall steel tank at the center of a network of pipes, most of which 
are now billowing steam. Avoid the steam. Run up to it and plant an explosive as 
close to it as you can. Then, run away! Head back toward the area where Bane is 
conducting his insane ritual and run past it to the parapet where you disembarked 
from the moving platform. 

Now you’ve got to get back to the safe zone (where Roper deposited the survivors) 
before the entire rooftop is engulfed in flames. Hop onto the platform and ride 
it to the perpendicular platform. Hopefully, the two will converge quickly! Ride 
the second platform back to the other rooftop, hop off of it, and break for the 
alley at a sprint. Run through it and make for the safe zone. If you make it in 
time, sit back and watch the video sequence. You’ve completed Urban Chaos.

солюшены: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я
cheat-коды: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я


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