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Апорт Top 1000
Rambler's Top100

солюшены: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я
cheat-коды: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я - сеть живущая по правилам

cheat-коды для игры
"Command & Conquer: Red Alert"

While in the loading screen, type: xpeina518 = get 10 medium tanks

While in the game, type: iamarichboy = $5,000

The ability to throw grenades anywhere on the map:

Timing is very important on this one. Get a bunch of grenadiers (about 10-15), group them all together (far from any buildings or any of your own men), then target the ground 2 spaces in front of them. Watch as they bring their arm back to throw. Start timing this (use a counting method if you have to), then target the enemy building ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP. If you target the other building the moment they bring their arms back, they will throw across the map to that point.

Ant Missions cheat:

The playing ants missions were explained in a "secret" way by the Morse code on the little sheet of paper you found in your Counterstrike box. (The Morse code at the bottom of the pages in the Red Alert manual mentioned giant ants.)

You don't have to launch the game with a special option as in Covert Operations (the -funpark option on the command line).

Just do the following:

* On the main menu screen, locate a circular form in the upper right corner which is supposed to be a sort of loudspeaker.

* Press the left shift key AND left click at the same time in the center of the supposed loudspeaker.

* A menu appears asking you to select a difficulty level for the giant ants missions. Note that this menu DOES NOT mention you have unlocked some special "ants" missions.

If you just click on the loudspeaker, you get the end credits of the game.

Healing cheat:

If you're tired of always having your infantry dying easy, and if you have a doctor, type in 5555555 (that's seven 5s) and they're back to normal.

Ally with computer:

While in a skirmish game, click on an enemy building and hold down CAPS LOCK and A. You should ally with the computer. This cheat only works in skirmish.

Tesla Tank cheat:

First build a radar jammer, then press on it with left mouse button and type Sunstream. If you did it right, you should hear a voice say: "Tesla troopers have arrived." Then you'll get an army of Tesla tanks!

Play as an ant:

First you will have to build a chronoshift, then highlight it, and type antieantie If you did it right you will hear: "Ants Approaching."

Bomb cheat:

To get an extremely hyper-gigantic powerful A-bomb, build a missile silo, highlight it and type Kabooma Instead of the normal A-bomb icon, it will become a blue picture of a skull with blood on it.

Mammoth tank cheat:

To make your mammoth tanks REALLY fast, build a mine layer. Then select the mine layer and your mammoth tanks, give them a group number, such as 1 (done while tanks selected, and then pressing ctrl-#). While selected and just after they have been given a number, press F, and on the vehicles there should be a F1 instead of just 1. Now your tanks should go real fast. (Note: The mine layer must NOT die and must always go along the mammoth tanks or it will not work.)

Another Tesla tank cheat:

Make 10 heavy tanks. Lead them far away from your base, then select them all and shoot a tree. After 2 minutes shooting they will have TESLA cannons!!!

солюшены: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я
cheat-коды: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # А-Я


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