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>Resident Evil 3: NEMESIS - A Rank Walkthrough Version 2.2 By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email: minesweeper1@hotmail.com *********************************************************************** Last Updated: 12/6/00 Table of Contents 1: Revision History 2: Introduction 3: General Strategies A->Measurement of Time B->Speedy Alternatives C->Speed Indicators D->Cinemas E->Inventory F->Health and Health Items G->Puzzles H->Perspective I->Enemies 4: Walkthrough A->Uptown B->Downtown C->Uptown Revisited D->Downtown Revisited E->Clock Tower as Jill F->Clock Tower and Hospital as Carlos G->Clock Tower and Park as Jill H->Dead Factory 5: Thanks 6: Copyright ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Revision History Version 1.0 10/29/00 - First Edition (BTW, I now have a PLAYSTATION 2! On launch day (10/26/00)!) *********************************************************************** Version 1.1 10/31/00 - Fixed some typos, and added some puzzle solutions I accidentally left out. *********************************************************************** Version 2.0 11/14/00 - Edited some poorly written paragraphs, fixed more typos, added headings to the General Strategies section, added more monster scenarios, added other random item arrangements I was previously unaware of, and added SPEED INDICATORS and SPEEDY ALTERNATIVES. Also divided the Walkthrough into segments. And I added the ASCII art! *********************************************************************** Version 2.1 11/22/00 - Not much today. Reformatted the General Strategies section so it is easier to read, fixed more typos, was going to add a weapons section but didn't think it was necessary. *********************************************************************** Version 2.2 12/6/00 - Another small update. There was some confusion over my directions about ROOM 401 and ROOM 402, so I rewrote my strategies for those rooms and added an ASCII map for extra help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Introduction Hiya! Welcome to my A Rank Walkthrough! I thought I should make this walkthrough because the only other guide I've seen devoted to getting an A rank in RE3 is Vmerken's guide. It's magnificent work and really helped me out getting an A (though I didn't go with just the handgun like he did). This guide isn't as fast as his. My guide is intended to just get you an A, not to do it in the fastest possible way. If you want a real fast guide try Vmerken's. Like his guide, I assume you know about most of the game's basics. Well, now to... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: General Strategies A->MEASUREMENT OF TIME-> If you want to finish fast, you must know that RE3 constantly measures time from when Jill begins to talk (...blah, blah, blah, wheels of justice, blah, blah, blah...) to when the rescue helicopter comes to get her. So, make sure you don't have any big plans for the next three hours before you begin your journey, like chores, homework, etc. B->SPEEDY ALTERNATIVES-> These are alternate strategies for certain rooms that net you a lower time. If you want to improve your speed, then try them out. C->SPEED INDICATORS-> These are little challenges I made. If you can fulfill the challenge's requirements, then you are on your way to an A! D->CINEMAS-> Cinemas also count as game time, so you have to cut these short as possible. Hold down Select to shorten an FMV, or tap it quickly to stop a cutscene. There are some scenes which cannot be cut short. E->INVENTORY-> Inventory Screen is another major time waster if used excessively. Only use the inventory when it's absolutely unavoidable. To keep space problems to a minimum, always setup your inventory in this order: ONE weapon and its ammo, ONE healing item, and all other items needed to complete tasks in the near future. Learn ahead of time what you need to take to a certain place, and save space for whatever you need to pick up afterwards. I'll try to tell you good inventory setups for special situations during the game. Also take the opportunity to reload your gun and heal whenever accessing the menu to use an item. F->HEALTH AND HEALTH ITEMS-> Keep your health as high as possible. The higher your health is, the faster you can run, dodge, turn, or whatever. Master the 180 spin. You'll need it to quickly leave dead end halls and back up from crowds of monsters while shooting. The lower your health goes, the harder it is to 180, which is another reason to stay in good shape. RE3 isn't as stingy about FIRST AID SPRAYS as RE2. You can actually get away with using a couple but three is enough to turn your A into a B no matter how fast you are. Use FAS only in extreme emergencies. Whenever I say to bring a FULL HEALING ITEM, always choose HERBS over FAS. G->PUZZLES-> Puzzles must be solved quickly to keep your time low. I will provide hints on how to solve puzzles quickly as they come along in the walkthrough. H->PERSPECTIVE-> Whenever I say left or right, I mean it from Jill's perspective. I->ENEMIES-> Enemies are the biggest time wasters in the game. Here are some hints on how to pass or kill them in the quickest and most efficient way possible: ZOMBIES->Zombies are so easy to dodge I shouldn't even have to tell you how to dodge them. Fake one direction, then swerve the other way to avoid them. If you're in a small room and keeping away is impossible, just several HANDGUN bursts or one SHOTGUN headshot will kill them. DOGS->Dogs are easily avoided if you know how to do it. Run straight at a dog but right before it jumps, dodge to one side to miss the dog and by the time the creepy canine faces you again, you're already two rooms away :) If you must kill them, use the SHOTGUN, though you can do it with a HANDGUN too. Watch out if you do use the HANDGUN, because they always appear in packs. SPIDERS->Spiders are easily avoided because they take too long to attack. First it must swivel to face you, then it must rear up on its legs, and then it has to get to you. It's easy to finish the game without ever having to kill any of them. If they're really getting on your nerves, use the SHOTGUN or anything more powerful. HUNTERS->Hunters, they have to be the second most annoying RE enemy ever (first most annoying is the Moths in RE: CV). They are unpredictable because they jump all over the place, they crouch, and they can kill you in one attack if you don't watch your health. I always kill them except for the ones in the test tubes and the fountains. The SHOTGUN or anything stronger is good enough, though most everything that deals with Hunters is never guaranteed :( DRAIN DENIMOS and BRAIN SUCKER->Drain Denimos and Brain Suckers are other enemies I hate. It's hard to run around them since they're so wide, but can be done. Since they wrap almost their entire body around you, they are the toughest enemies in the game to break free from. They can also jump right next to you from across the room, but fortunately they can't hurt you while jumping like the lickers. The only difference between the DD's and BS's besides appearance is that BS's can spit poison. Two or three close range SHOTGUN blasts will kill them. MINOR ENEMIES->Crows, small spiders, and worms, just run. 'Nuff said. NEMESIS->Nemesis has to be the most fun enemy to play with. If he's trapped you in a small corridor, run past him on his right side (or the side of his coat with no sleeve). I've heard he sometimes uses his right arm, but its never happened to me. Especially watch out for his choke throws. If he gets you, he'll choke you, then throw you to the ground. Quickly mash all the buttons to get back on your feet. If you take too long he'll grab you again and drop you if you resisted enough, or he'll spike you with his tentacle if not. Sometimes he will do THE POSE. It's kind of like his trademark or something. What he does is he stands in one place and yells "Mmmwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!". Meanwhile, you can empty 4-6 rounds of something into him. Nemmy would be much harder to beat if it wasn't for this. Don't sweat it if he's got his bazooka with him. I think Nemmy's easier to kill when he's got his rocket launcher. He takes too long to arm it, he can't grab you, and half his rockets miss me by over four feet :) MAGNUM is the MINIMUM when I choose to fight him. I know, I'm a weakling, aren't I? BTW, when he's chasing you, it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes when he's after you, rooms that you went to that had monsters previously will now be empty! Watch out, this won't always happen. I'll point out rooms I know you can leave monsters alive in. Most of this information can also be found in Vmerken's guides. Now choose New Game and select Hard Mode. Hold Start and when the FMV begins hold Select. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Walkthrough A->UPTOWN --------- ALLEY BEHIND APARTMENT BUILDING We see some shots of the alley with the delivery entrance before Jill comes blasting out the door. You are now in control. Run straight ahead and let the zombie bite you. Shove him off and climb over the dumpster and drop down into the alley beyond. Enjoy the un-skippable cutscene. Jill's surrounded by zombies. She backs up into a door and then breaks it open. She runs down the alley away from her pursuers. We now hear Jill typing on a typewriter: "September 28, daylight (shift). The monsters have overtaken the city (shift). Somehow...(shift) I'm still alive...(shift) When she FINALLY shuts up tap select. We only see a glance of Jill's figure. WAREHOUSE 180 and take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the box with the green light. Then use GAME MANUAL A (triangle), and use GAME MANUAL B (triangle). Take the FIRST AID SPRAY off the crates next to the forklift. Go to the WAREHOUSE OFFICE. WAREHOUSE OFFICE Take the WAREHOUSE KEY, then take the two GUN POWDER A's in the locker and combine them to make an AA MIXTURE. Use the reloading tool to make 35 HANDGUN BULLETS. Take the INK RIBBONS next to the typewriter, which will be the only INK RIBBONS we'll be using for the duration of our game. Dump the RELOADING TOOL, the FIRST AID SPRAY, and the INK RIBBONS in the CHEST. Go. WAREHOUSE Use the WAREHOUSE KEY on the door under the green light and discard it. Leave. ALLEY NEXT TO WAREHOUSE Nothin' here. Just go out the door at the other end of the alley. MAIN STREET Turn to Jill's left and leave through the door that appears in the next camera angle. Y JUNCTION Go up the stairs and walk to the door that Brad and several zombies will come bursting out of. It will either open automatically or you'll have to check it to make it open. When the door does open, run back to MAIN STREET. MAIN STREET Do a 180 and reenter the Y JUNCTION. Y JUNCTION This spot is tricky, but gets easier with practice. The zombies will still be here, but they won't be running all over the place, making it much easier to dodge/kill them. If you can, try to slip past the two zombies walking out of the open door. If it's not possible, kill them. Now go down the stairs and into the basement. Shoot the one zombie here until he falls down, then quickly pick up the LIGHTER OIL on the shelf and the SHOTGUN on the dead body before the zombie wakes up. Now, the zombies will either be messing around outside or they will have followed you down the stairs. If they followed you down the stairs, then kill them. After getting outside, you may be surprised by a zombie that has hidden outside the door because of the terrible camera angle. Shove him off and enter the alley across the way. Pick up the 2 GREEN HERBS, go down this alley, and leave out the orange rusted door. Do NOT use the GREEN HERBS until I tell you, unless the situation is dire. STREET IN FRONT OF BAR JACK Fake right, then left to avoid the first zombie. The zombie near the bar's door can easily be avoided by running past on the left. The zombie hanging out on the stoop is no trouble at all cuz he always gets stuck on the railing. The zombie pair eating the man who screamed earlier can only bite you after they are fully standing up, so you can just push right past them. Leave out the door that looks remarkably like the one that led into Chief Irons's Sanctuary :) ALLEY BEHIND BAR JACK Go down the stairs and you will see Brad shoot a zombie and then run into the BAR JACK. Watch out for the zombies in front of Brad's escape route. They almost always start running the minute they sense you. After luring the zombie pair away from the back door, run inside. BAR JACK Tap select to abort the cinema. Do a 180 and try to run out the back door. Brad somehow instantly kills the zombie that was attacking him. Tap select to make the wuss leave. Take the EMPTY LIGHTER from the pay phone and combine it with the LIGHTER OIL to get a FULL LIGHTER. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the cash register and leave out the door you used to get in. ALLEY BEHIND BAR JACK Hmm...why the sudden addition of music? The zombies have moved to easily avoidable positions. Run up the stairs and turn right. You will come to a crossroads. Take the alley that is bathed in orange light. A zombie is here. Run past him on what side he's not looking at. Leave out this next door. BARRICADE ALLEY There are a large group of zombies pounding on a barricade. There are three possible times where they could break free. They could break out before you walk past the exploding barrel, right before you get to the gate, or after you use the LIGHTER on the gate. In any case, run back to the exploding barrel and stand as far away as possible from it where you can still see it but not be hurt. When the zombie in front of the group is about to walk past the paint cans on the left side of the alley, shoot the barrel. The explosion will wipe out all the zombies except the ones still standing around by the corpses. Shoot only enough zombies to make a path to the 2 RED HERBS, then combine the 2 RED HERBS with the 2 GREEN HERBS to make 2 RED-GREEN HERB MIXTURES. Clear a path through the survivors and leave out the gate. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: If the zombies don't crash out at the red barrel, you can simply exit the gate after burning off the ropes. Don't let the crawlers get you, or the rest of the pack will have time to catch up before you can escape. GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY A dog is sleeping on the ground near the door to the ALLEY SAVE ROOM. After you get near the fire, another dog will jump from it. Avoid both dogs and get into the save room. ALLEY SAVE ROOM Take the GUN POWDER A and the GUN POWDER B. Take the reloading tool you left in the CHEST and use it to make HANDGUN BULLETS and SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now dump everything you've collected in the CHEST except the HANDGUN and the HANDGUN BULLETS. Leave. GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY Both the dogs are sleeping, so you can easily escape before they even stand up. STREET IN FRONT OF POLICE STATION Nothing to do here except run up the street and enter the large gate past the broken fire hydrant. POLICE STATION COURTYARD Hold select to cut the FMV short. Live Selection->Enter the police station. We will not be picking up any STARS CARDS. POLICE STATION MAIN HALL Take the 3 GREEN HERBS next to the entrance, then take the HANDGUN BULLETS at the reception desk and leave out the only other door with no barricade. Do NOT use or combine the GREEN HERBS until I tell you, or unless your health status is seriously messed up. WEST SIDE OFFICE The zombies in this room will be set up in one of two ways: all the zombies will be packed into the cubicle with Marvin, or they will be spread out throughout the office. If they are in the cubicle, then just leave out the door at the other end of the room. If they are spread out, then kill all the zombies on the side of the room with the doors and leave. You will need a clear path later. EVIDENCE ROOM Take the BLUE GEM from the blinking drawer, then go to the other blinking drawer around the corner and enter these passcodes one at a time until one of them unlocks it: 0131, 4011, 0513, 4312. Even if you have to enter all of them, this is much faster than finding a STARS CARD and using it on the computer to find the correct passcode. After the drawer opens, take the EMBLEM KEY and leave out the door you didn't use to get in. Also there is a locked drawer in here, on the opposite side of the cabinets as the EMBLEM KEY. We'll unlock it a bit later when we get the LOCKPICK. CORRIDOR IN FRONT OF DARKROOM Fake right, then left to pass the female zombie. Run between the two male zombies near the stairs and go up them. Try not to get stuck at the railing. CORRIDOR WITH STATUE There are two possible scenarios here, one fat zombie is at the landing and a group of regular zombies are near the statue, or vice versa. If the group is at the landing, then they will be difficult to slip through without being hurt because of the terrible camera work. The fat zombie near the statue won't pose any threat as long as you don't let him surprise you around the corner. If the fat zombie is at the landing, you can easily run around him. Plus, the group of zombies further down seem to get stuck on the statue and walls, making it much easier to pass through unharmed. CORRIDOR WITH STARS OFFICE Before going into the office, walk to the end of the hall and see if the random item arrangement decided to put 2 RED HERBS there. If they are there, then combine the 2 RED HERBS with 2 GREEN HERBS to make 2 RED-GREEN HERB MIXTURES. You will also have 1 GREEN HERB left over in case you dipped into CAUTION and don't want to waste a full-heal item. If they are not there, then mix the 3 GREEN HERBS to make 1 LARGE GREEN HERB MIXTURE. Afterwards, enter the STARS OFFICE with the EMBLEM KEY and discard it when asked. STARS OFFICE There's quite a bit of stuff here to pick up. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS off Barry's desk, the LOCKPICK off of Jill's desk, the GRENADE LAUNCHER or the MAGNUM out of the cabinet next to the "communications device", and the FIRST AID SPRAY out of the first aid bag next to Rebecca's desk if you didn't get the RED HERBS in the hall outside. Try to leave and tap select to avoid hearing the radio message. Now leave. HINT: If you don't know who owns what desk, check it and you will get a message telling you whose desk it is. CORRIDOR WITH STARS OFFICE Go back the way you came since the door around the corner is boarded up. CORRIDOR WITH STATUE Navigate the zombies and go back down the stairs. Don't worry, you'll find out what that crash was in a minute. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get down the stairs before the threatening music begins. CORRIDOR IN FRONT OF DARKROOM All the zombies have gone, giving you a straight shot out of here. Run down the hall. Nemesis crashed through the window! Ignore him and get back to the EVIDENCE ROOM as quickly as possible. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get out of the room before Nemesis gets a chance to say "S.T.A.R.S." twice. EVIDENCE ROOM Use your shiny, new LOCKPICK on one of the cabinets near where the BLUE GEM was to get a vial of GUN POWDER B. Go back to the WEST SIDE OFFICE. WEST SIDE OFFICE If you cleared the side of the room with the doors like I told you, then all you will have to worry about is a brief foot race with Nemesis. However, if you left the zombies alive, you will have to wade through them while Nemmy's in hot pursuit. Personal Horror Story: Everything was going great. I had a ton of HANDGUN BULLETS, was in perfect health, got the RED HERBS in the CORRIDOR WITH STARS OFFICE, but I left most of the wrong zombies in the WEST SIDE OFFICE alive. I was almost to the exit with Nemesis in pursuit, when Jill was grabbed from behind by a zombie. I mashed the buttons like mad to break free, and in the distance, I could hear the "chuchuck" of Nemmy loading a rocket. I yelled at Jill to break free but Nemesis fired. But then, a prayer answered. Right after Jill leaned back to shove the zombie off, the rocket zipped past where her head was a second earlier! I escaped out the door before he had a chance to fire another rocket. Anyway, back to more serious things. POLICE STATION MAIN HALL You have also taken everything of value here, so leave out the front door. POLICE STATION COURTYARD How did it go from day to night so quickly? Were we really in there THAT long? It seemed like only five minutes! Maybe Jill has a problem with the space-time continuum...ah forget it! Just leave out the main gate. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get out the gate before you hear the third note of the piano. STREET IN FRONT OF POLICE STATION Run all the way back down the street to the burning car wreck and use the LOCKPICK on the rusted door to Jill's left and enter it. DEAD MERC ALLEY Take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the dead merc (duh) lying against the trash can. Tap triangle to avoid reading the document. Head to the next door. Ignore the horribly-pixelated mass climbing up the wall. FIRE HOSE ALLEY Turn left and you will happen across 2 BLUE HERBS and maybe 3 GREEN HERBS. If the GREEN HERBS aren't there, they'll be near the mayor's statue at the CITY HALL COURTYARD. Combine the GREEN HERBS to make 1 LARGE GREEN HERB MIXTURE. If you got the RED HERBS at the police station, you can use the RED-GREEN HERB MIXTURES with the BLUE HERBS to make them BROWN HERB MIXTURES, which not only completely refill your health, but also cure poison. You don't have to, since it's not that hard to keep from getting poisoned in this game. Anyway, after you've finished playing with your herb mixing kit, leave out the gate next to them. BUS WRECK Run straight ahead and pass the first dog, then pass the second dog standing between the bus wreck and the single wrecked car. Then, a third dog will appear from behind the bus when you're about to pass it completely. Make a break for the door to the PARKING GARAGE to avoid it. PARKING GARAGE Ignore the POWER CABLE charging the minivan for now. Run past the first dog. The second dog is running at you now. Zig left, then zag right when he's about to attack to avoid injury and escape. PARKING GARAGE OFFICE Take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk to Jill's immediate left, then go to the CHEST and set up your inventory so it's like this: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS RELOADING TOOL, LOCKPICK BLUE GEM Now let's see what's behind door number 2! B->DOWNTOWN ----------- STREET NEXT TO CONSTRUCTION SITE There are three dogs here, but only one is any threat. Run between the first two dogs, then dodge and run past the third one that emerges from the alley. Enjoy the doggy parade as you run for the exit. CONSTRUCTION SITE Run straight ahead to trigger the appearance of a new monster, the Drain Denimos. Run past the Demmy on either side and escape out the door with caution stripes. STREET WITH RESTAURANT Turn right and follow Carlos into the RESTAURANT. Use the GREEN HERBS near the fountain to update your health to FINE. Don't take anymore GREEN HERBS when you are restored completely. RESTAURANT First, check the tables to the right for 2 GUN POWDER A'S. If they are there, combine them to make an AA MIXTURE, then combine with the RELOADING TOOL to make HANDGUN BULLETS. If not, they'll appear later at the PRESS BUILDING OFFICE. Now go unlock the cabinet at the rear of the kitchen with the LOCKPICK to get the FIREHOOK. Use the FIREHOOK on the hatch blocking the basement. Tap select when you see Jill start to fit the hook in to see a shot of Nemesis at the back door doing THE POSE. Live Selection time! Live Selection->Hide in the kitchen. Tap select again. Watch the short, non-skippable part of the scene. After it's over, take the EAGLE PARTS A from Nemesis and leave out the back door. SHOPPING DISTRICT Tap select to avoid conversation with Carlos. Run down the hall and turn right. Nemesis is in the room now. Dash to the SHOPPING DISTRICT STOREROOM. SHOPPING DISTRICT STORE ROOM Take the RUSTED CRANK on the tool box (grrr, not that stupid crank again!) and the SHOTGUN SHELLS off the shelf. Set up your inventory like this: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS RELOADING TOOL, BLUE GEM RUSTED CRANK Now go back out. SHOPPING DISTRICT Nemmy's waiting outside. Run past him on his right and go to the STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK. If he's not here he'll be at the next room. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK Remember to run past the big guy on his right side if he appears here. If he was in the SHOPPING DISTRICT you'll have a headstart on him to get to the PRESS BUILDING. This will be a long jog so run in a zigzag pattern to confuse Nemesis. PRESS BUILDING Take the FIRST AID SPRAY. Push the stepladder under the switchboard and activate it. Then press the button next to the fireproof shutter to raise it. Go up the stairs to the blue door at the top. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get the fire shutter up before you hear Nemesis growl outside. PRESS BUILDING OFFICE Dispose of the zombie in the cubicle. Take the GREEN GEM and the 2 GUN POWDER A's if you didn't find them at the RESTAURANT. Immediately combine them to make an AA MIXTURE. Use it with the RELOADING TOOL to make HANDGUN BULLETS. After you exit the cubicle, Nemesis makes an appearance. Do whatever is necessary to get out. PRESS BUILDING Run down the stairs and leave out the front door. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK One of two things will happen. Either Nemesis will jump out the window, land in front of you, and then do THE POSE, or he'll leave you alone. If he does come, don't worry. You will only have to move a little faster. Use the GREEN GEM and the BLUE GEM on the clock and enter the now unlocked gate. CITY HALL COURTYARD Run straight ahead and go through yet another door that looks remarkably like the one leading to Chief Irons's Sanctuary :) ALLEY BEHIND CITY HALL Lots of sleeping and/or regular zombies, but nothing a few dodges won't cure. "LONSDALE YARD" Follow the path and take the 2 GREEN HERBS sitting near the trash can. Leave. CABLE CAR YARD Shoot the barrel when zombies or dogs get near it. Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS off the corpse against the wall. Climb over the construction barricade. If you killed dogs, another one will emerge from the fire. Shoot it down. If you killed zombies, press R2 when the camera changes after passing the barricade. Jill will aim at a barrel you can't see. Fire, and you'll kill another zombie mob sitting near a barrel. When you're the only thing standing, enter the cable car through the rear door. REAR OF CABLE CAR Tap select to avoid both cinemas and enter the front portion of the car. FRONT OF CABLE CAR Tap select. All you see is Carlos handing you a backpack. Get the WRENCH off the seats, and leave out the door next to the control room. CABLE CAR YARD You've cleared this room already, so go back from whence you came. "LONSDALE YARD" Nothing here either, just keep going back. ALLEY BEHIND CITY HALL A zombie will jump out of the wrecked car. If you look inside, you can score a GUN POWDER B. Use it by itself when you get some time to make more SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now dodge or shoot the zombies to get to the exit. CITY HALL COURTYARD Go through the iron gate down the left path from Jill's perspective. OUTSIDE GAS STATION You may find 2 RED HERBS next to the pumps here. If that happens, use the GREEN HERBS you found earlier with them to make RED-GREEN HERB MIXTURES. If they aren't there they'll be at the POWER PLANT ALLEY. Anyway, use the RUSTED CRANK on the hole next to the shutter. When it breaks (yes!) use the even more inventory hogging WRENCH. Enter the GAS STATION. GAS STATION There's another random chance of items that appear here. You could find on the table 3 GUN POWDER A's, 3 GUN POWDER B's, both, or nothing at all. If they aren't there, they are either at the POWER PLANT or the SALES OFFICE VAULT. Use the RELOADING TOOL with the AAA MIXTURES/BBB MIXTURES you create if they are there, then walk past the table. Tap select to make Carlos magically appear in the room, then walk behind the counter and tap select again to make him magically disappear from the room as fast as he came. If you have at least three inventory slots available, take the FIRST AID SPRAY off the shelf, then walk over to the neato safe that holds the oil. I'm sure you know how to work the puzzle on your own. Just press the buttons until the only button that is lit is the one over the lighted letter (oh yes! No thief would EVER figure out how to work such a COMPLICATED safety lock!). After you've opened the safe, take the MACHINE OIL. When you're almost past the counter, tap select to magically teleport to the exit and fill the room with fire (we're good magicians, aren't we? :) Get out of here. OUTSIDE GAS STATION Tap select to avoid talking with Carlos. Go towards the exit. When the FMV begins, hold select to shorten it. Then tap select again to avoid a second conversation. Leave out the gate. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get the FMV to start before the "whooph" sound disappears. CITY HALL COURTYARD Kill all the zombies hiding behind the low-res door when you try to go back to the STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK. Get the GREEN HERBS to make them a LARGE GREEN HERB MIXTURE if you have the inventory space. Then go to the statue and press the button on it to get the BRONZE BOOK. Leave out the main gates. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK Just skip across the street back into the SHOPPING DISTRICT. SHOPPING DISTRICT Most likely you've got a lot of extra stuff weighing you down, so go into the save room. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: Skip over the save room and run from the zombie crowd with Carlos. Only do this if you have at least one free inventory slot. Also, you will have to visit the save room sometime before you go to the CONSTRUCTION SITE. SHOPPING DISTRICT STOREROOM Dump all your extra gear and set up your inventory in this way: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS SHOTGUN (fully loaded), RELOADING TOOL FULL HEALING ITEM (optional), BRONZE BOOK Note that I said NOT to bring a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. We will only be using the SHOTGUN to kill the Drain Denimoses/Brain Suckers at the CONSTRUCTION SITE, so I think 7 SHOTGUN SHELLS will be enough. Now leave. SHOPPING DISTRICT A new group of zombies has appeared in this room. Evade/shoot them, then turn right at the fork. Go out the door at the end of this hall. STREET WITH RESTAURANT Go to the fountain and use the BRONZE BOOK on the right hole, then take the BRONZE COMPASS from the left hole. Pick up any GREEN HERBS you left earlier. Go back the way you came. SHOPPING DISTRICT Kill all zombies that are standing on the paths between you and the STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK. Go there. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK When you step out of the little nook, dogs or crows will crash through the window to the right. If it's crows, just run for the gate. Dogs are a little harder. Run straight ahead in the new direction Jill faces after the cutscene, then after you've got enough room to get through the pack, run for the gate. You may get bitten once or twice if you're slow. CITY HALL COURTYARD Give the statue the BRONZE COMPASS, and it will trade it for a BATTERY! :) Accept the offer, then go back out the gates again. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK Dogs or crows, neither will be fast enough to catch you as you duck into the SHOPPING DISTRICT. SHOPPING DISTRICT Make tracks for the STREET WITH RESTAURANT. STREET WITH RESTAURANT Go into the yellow-striped door across the way. CONSTRUCTION SITE Take out your SHOTGUN and kill the first Drain Deminos/Brain Sucker before he gets a chance to drain you (Be careful. You only have 7 shots). Then examine the corpse you left behind earlier to get GUN POWDER A. Use it with the RELOADING TOOL for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Then kill another DD/BS around the corner. Go up the stairs and put the BATTERY in the slot next to the elevator. Take the elevator down. ROAD CONSTRUCTION ZONE Take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the dead construction worker, then fire whatever ammo is left in the SHOTGUN at the crowd of zombies closing in (3 shots at most). Next, use the HANDGUN to clear a path up the street. You can also use the dynamite taped to the wall, but it's in an awkward position. Any way you do it, get through the old iron gate next to the overturned dump truck. POWER PLANT ALLEY There is nothing here of interest except a possible chance for some RED HERBS. If they weren't OUTSIDE GAS STATION, then they'll be here. If you found them there, then the RED HERBS won't be here. You know what to do with them if you do find them here. Leave through the chain link gate. POWER PLANT Run over to the terminal with a shiny, red button. When it asks if you would like to set it to manual mode, say "Yes." BTW, the camera changed to show you a desk in a back corner. There is a possible chance for 3 GUN POWDER B's here. However, you might have already found them at the GAS STATION, or they're at the SALES OFFICE VAULT, which we'll be visiting later. Next, go to the other terminal and enter these sequences: Red - Blue - Blue - Blue, then Red - Red - Red - Blue. Both of the heavy shutters will raise up after entering each code. Enter the door nearest the terminal and take the FUSE. As you leave the room, press select. Live Selection->Increase electricity output. Tap select again, and watch all the zombie brains pop. Then enter the other room and check the locker to get either the MAGNUM or the GRENADE LAUNCHER, whichever you didn't find at the STARS OFFICE back in the police station. After collecting all items, leave out the gate. POWER PLANT ALLEY Step over the rather disgusting corpses and leave out the other gate. ROAD CONSTRUCTION ZONE Dodge/shoot the zombies you left alive and take the elevator back up. CONSTRUCTION SITE Nothing here since we already killed all the monsters. Walk through the passage until you come to the fork and turn left and enter that door. STREET NEXT TO CONSTRUCTION SITE The dogs you had that parade with are now gone, replaced by a zombie mob. Dodge/shoot them, and make sure to run near the wrecked police car. A zombie may pop out of it, and on the seat is a box of GRENADE ROUNDS. Continue to dodge/shoot back to the PARKING GARAGE OFFICE. PARKING GARAGE OFFICE Set up your inventory like this: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS MACHINE OIL, FULL HEALING ITEM RELOADING TOOL, WRENCH Go back to the PARKING GARAGE. C->UPTOWN REVISITED ------------------- PARKING GARAGE The dogs are still here, but they are as lazy as ever, making it easy to pass them. BUS WRECK One of two things will happen, the street will be silent, or the dogs you left alive earlier will be here. If the street is clear, check the corpse behind the bus for a GUN POWDER B. As you walk past the bus, crows will crash through the windows. Keep running for the exit and they'll never catch you. If the dogs are still here, zig zag to fake them out and escape into the FIRE HOSE ALLEY. FIRE HOSE ALLEY Run all the way down the alley to the fire hydrant and trade the WRENCH for the FIRE HOSE. Now go into the door you passed on the way there. DEAD MERC ALLEY Two Drain Deminoses/Brain Suckers have invaded the alley. Run to the first corner as quickly as possible and shoot the barrel. If you were fast enough, both DD/BS's will die, giving you a clear path to the exit. If you hesitated one or both may survive, kill them and proceed to the exit. STREET IN FRONT OF POLICE STATION The street has either been overrun by dogs or several zombie cops. If there are dogs, grab their attention and blast them with the shotgun. If there are zombies, kill enough so that you can easily cross this area again without having to fight. Now leave through the gate across the street. GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY Use the FIRE HOSE on the hydrant to put out the fire. Now go down the newly opened passageway. If you used up your FULL HEALING ITEM on the way here, get another one from the ALLEY SAVE ROOM. ALLEY FROM GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY Take the BLUE HERBS if you want to and leave out the other door. The zombies you can see in the windows won't crash out. LANE IN FRONT OF OFFICE Take the SQUARE CRANK off the garbage, then kill the Drain Deminos/Brain Sucker off screen. Next kill the other one in front of the double doors. Go through them. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: Don't pick up the SQUARE CRANK. SALES OFFICE Tap select immediately to skip a cinema, then use the remote on the TV (tap triangle to avoid reading the file). Then use the name of the product that appears as the password for the computer. There are three possible solutions: AQUACURE SAFSPRIN ADRAVIL Afterwards, enter the now unlocked door. SALES OFFICE VAULT Go all the way down the hall. If you didn't find the 3 GUN POWDER B'S or the 3 GUN POWDER A'S at the GAS STATION or the POWER PLANT, they're here. Take the OIL ADDITIVE off the shelf and combine it with the MACHINE OIL to get MIXED OIL. Now try to leave. When the FMV begins, hold select. Zombies are closing in now. Get near the steam valve the zombies are about to pass and shoot it. Steam will burst out and kill any zombies that try to pass through it. When the steam stops, dodge/shoot your way back to the exit. SALES OFFICE Run right to avoid the zombies behind the desk. After you get around the desk and the shelf, watch out for the zombie trio, especially the fast female one lurking off screen. Kill them with SHOTGUN headshots and get back into the entrance room. The fast female zombie won't pose a threat if you get out the door fast enough. LANE IN FRONT OF OFFICE We've already cleaned this area of items and monsters, so just leave out the way you came. ALLEY FROM GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY There's nothing here, either, so just go. GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY ************************ Make a sharp right at the fork, and go through that gate. Stay away fire hose! BARRICADE ALLEY The alley is clear, for the moment. When you walk a little ways, zombies will crash out of the windows. Since they are lying down, you can easily get past them before they can climb to their feet. Just don't get stuck on the pallets or the paint cans. ALLEY BEHIND BAR JACK Go back to the court where you saw Brad shoot that zombie at the start of the game. Use the SQUARE CRANK on the hole next to the shutter. Take all the GRENADE ROUNDS. Now go back the way you came. BARRICADE ALLEY Dodge/shoot the zombies to the exit. GARBAGE COLLECTION ALLEY ************************ Okay, now we are ready to begin what I like to call the Cable Car Gauntlet! A bunch of extra powerful monsters and natural forces will plague you all throughout your long trek back to the cable car. Now, to get started, walk past the fire hose. You will trigger an unstoppable cutscene. Nemesis comes in through the gate with his bazooka and does THE POSE. He thinks you look thirsty, so he'll bash the fire hose and water will splash out. Run past him and get out. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: Ignore everything between the rows of stars. STREET IN FRONT OF POLICE STATION Now you know why I told you to clear a path through this area. Quickly get across the street and though the rusted door. DEAD MERC ALLEY We've already killed everything here, so as long as you don't get stuck at the corners, Nemmy will seldom catch you. If he tries to use the rocket launcher he'll never catch you! FIRE HOSE ALLEY Another brief pursuit with Nemmy. He might hit you here if you're slow. Or even worse, he'll use his rocket launcher which is bad since we're in such a straight and wide open corridor. Duck out into the gate. BUS WRECK For some reason, Nemesis will stop chasing you after you get here. There are only crows here, either hiding in the bus, or already flying around. Just ignore them and go to the PARKING GARAGE. PARKING GARAGE Take the POWER CABLE, and try to pass the van. Tap select. Another added surprise of the Cable Car Gauntlet. Live Selection->Climb up Leave. PARKING GARAGE OFFICE Setup your inventory like this: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS or HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS MIXED OIL, POWER CABLE FUSE, RELOADING TOOL FULL HEALING ITEM Leave. D->DOWNTOWN REVISITED --------------------- STREET NEXT TO CONSTRUCTION SITE The zombies you left alive are the monsters here. If the zombie didn't come out of the police car the first time, he will now. Take the GRENADE ROUNDS from the car and leave. CONSTRUCTION SITE Everything here is already finished, so go to the STREET WITH RESTAURANT. STREET WITH RESTAURANT Turn left and go to the SHOPPING DISTRICT. You've already done everything you can here, too. SHOPPING DISTRICT Dodge/shoot your way back to the STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK. STREET WITH FIRE TRUCK Run across the street without stopping. Dogs or crows, neither will catch you. CITY HALL COURTYARD Try to go back to the cable car. Nemesis will appear and do THE POSE. Evade him and get back to the ALLEY BEHIND CITY HALL. ALLEY BEHIND CITY HALL Nemesis won't follow you, and all that stands in your way are lots o' standing and sleeping zombies. No trouble, right? "LONSDALE YARD" Walk a little way. There's a tremor. Walk some more. When the second tremor comes, tap select. GRAVEDIGGER SEWER We see Jill staring at a wall. Then Gravedigger comes, starting the next part of the Cable Car Gauntlet. After the scene, do a 180, and press the switch in the alcove. Do another 180 and get out of there before Eartworm Jim can get you. Quickly run to the alcove on the other side of the hall and press the other switch. Use the same procedure to get out. Now press the switch next to the ladder, and then tap X as fast as you can to escape. If Gravedigger should get to a switch before you, you'll have to lure him away by running to another alcove. Then you can try again. CABLE CAR YARD Enter the cable car through the back door. REAR OF CABLE CAR Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Cable Car Gauntlet! Use the MIXED OIL, POWER CABLE, and FUSE on the broken panel. Tap select. Carlos is offering you a box of 6 FLAME ROUNDS as a prize. Accept the deal. Run to the other section of the cable car. FRONT OF CABLE CAR Tap select. You can now hear that dreaded song that is the Nemesis "quiet" theme. Go to the rear again. REAR OF CABLE CAR Oh, it looks like Nemesis was looking for a ride so he decided to hitch one on yours. He then does THE POSE. Do a 180 after the cinema. Try to leave. Tap select again to cancel the brief cinema. Then hold select for the FMV. FRONT OF CABLE CAR Watch the brief cinema and enjoy the high energy music. Live Selection->Jump out the window. Hold select for another FMV. E->CLOCK TOWER AS JILL ---------------------- BEDROOM Jill wakes up. Run through the hole in the wall and try to pass the bed. You'll get a brief cutscene of zombies entering the room through the blazing fire. There is a chance for 2 GUN POWDER B'S and 2 GUN POWDER A'S here. If they are there, then quickly swipe them off the table and use them to make 2 GUN POWDER C'S. Then mix the GUN POWDER C'S to make a CC MIXTURE. Examine the painting of the woman to get a CLOCK TOWER KEY. Now leave before the zombies catch up. LIVING ROOM Get some GRENADE ROUNDS from the CHEST and use them with the CC MIXTURE (if you got it) to get 12 FREEZE ROUNDS. Then setup your inventory like this: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS CLOCK TOWER KEY, RELOADING TOOL FREEZE ROUNDS (if you got them), FULL HEALING ITEM (optional) Use the CLOCK TOWER KEY on the other door and leave. STUDY Run down the hall. Press select to terminate the cutscene. Carlos is offering you another gift, this time a box of 6 FREEZE ROUNDS. Take them as well. Then press select again. Carlos has magically vanished from the room. You might find another box of GRENADE ROUNDS on the small table next to you. If they aren't there, you'll find them over the fireplace in the DINING ROOM. Leave out the light brown door. FOYER Pry the MINE THROWER from the dead corpse's fingers. If you need it, there is a FIRST AID SPRAY lying on one of the tables. Leave through the light brown double doors across from the door you used to get in here. DINING ROOM This room has a few monster scenarios. Most of the time you will encounter crawling, sleeping, and standing zombies, but there is also a chance for some Drain Deminoses/Brain Suckers. The crawlers and sleepers can be difficult to see because of the camera angles, so to "see" them, you can try facing away from the narrow path created by the table, then pressing R1 to aim automatically at any hiding zombies. If you encounter DD/BS's, use the dining table to split them up so you don't get double-teamed. Anyway, your ultimate objective here is to leave out the door in the small alcove. Also, if you didn't find the GRENADE ROUNDS in the study, they will be over the fireplace. BALL ROOM There is nothing here, so go into the CHAPEL which is right across the room from the door you used to enter here. CHAPEL If you didn't find the GUN POWDER A'S and B'S in the BEDROOM, you will find them here at the front of the room where the organ and altar are. Get some GRENADE ROUNDS from the CHEST and use them with the CC MIXTURE you create to make 12 FREEZE ROUNDS. Also take the other CLOCK TOWER KEY from the draped cabinet. Make sure you have both CLOCK TOWER KEYS with you when you leave. BALL ROOM When you pass the piano, zombies will crash in through the windows. Fire a round from the SHOTGUN to stall them, then escape out the black door near the piano. CLOCK TOWER COURTYARD There are several possible scenarios here: you are attacked by 3 dogs, or you are attacked by a pack of crows, or the courtyard is empty. If you are attacked by dogs, stay where you are and blast them as they come close. If you encounter crows or nothing just go pick up the 3 GREEN HERBS first, then take as many BLUE HERBS as you can. Dog people should do the same. Reenter the clock tower through the main entrance. Don't do anything with the herbs until I tell you, unless you are poisoned, in which case you should use a BLUE HERB. FOYER Go up the stairs. Say "Oooh, I'm SO SCARED!" mockingly when you hear the growl. UPPER FOYER There are 3 spiders here, but they are too slow to catch you. Run under the first spider, run around the second spider, and pass the third spider hanging on the wall. Leave out ANOTHER door that looks remarkably like the one that leads into Chief Irons's Sanctuary :) BALCONY Use the CLOCK TOWER KEY on the plate in the wall and discard it, then use the RED HERBS to make some BROWN HERB MIXTURES or RED-GREEN HEBB MIXTURES. Climb up the newly discovered ladder. MACHINERY ROOM Take the SILVER GEAR off the shelf next to the typewriter and the MINE THROWER ROUNDS off the shelf next to the CHEST, or take the 2 GUN POWDER A'S next to the typewriter. Then go over to the music box. It will play an ear-splitting song. Then the camera will focus on a panel on the music box. The solution to the puzzle is to put all the switches in the correct places so the melody is repeated without any notes out of tune. After you place a switch, the part of the melody it controls will either play correctly or out of tune. If it is out of tune then simply put it in the other position. After you've checked all the switches, press play and (hopefully) the melody will play correctly. Your prize for putting up with that awful song is the CHRONOS CHAIN. Combine the CHRONOS CHAIN with the CLOCK TOWER KEY you have left over to get the CHRONOS KEY. Take the SILVER GEAR and the EAGLE PARTS A with you when you leave. BALCONY Try to leave. Nemesis will appear. Live Selection->Use the cord. Tap select. Nemesis will just collapse to the floor for some reason. Maybe something he ate? Take the EAGLE PARTS B and combine them with the EAGLE PARTS A to get the STI EAGLE HANDGUN! Too bad it's almost worthless now. Resume your pace and leave. SPEED INDICATOR: Get out the door before the violin music of the song begins. UPPER FOYER The spiders have scattered. Nemesis will now play a short game of hide and seek with you. He will either pursue you here or stay in the last room. If he pursues you, run in a zig zag pattern to avoid his punches. Get back to the stairs. FOYER Yet another random Nemesis appearance. He will either follow you down the stairs (even if you didn't see him in the UPPER FOYER), or he will leave you alone. Exit out the only single door. STUDY If you haven't seen Nemesis yet, he is here. Quickly run to the green door and unlock it with the CHRONOS KEY (discard). Leave. SPEED INDICATOR: Get out the door before you see Nemesis appear from off-screen. SPIDER HALL Nemesis will give up after you enter this room. Take the GRENADE ROUNDS off the mummified corpse and evade the spiders. Leave through the door at the other end of the hall. GODDESS ROOM Take the MINE THROWER ROUNDS out of the workshop or whatever it is, gather up the AMBER STONE, OBSIDIAN STONE, and CRYSTAL STONE from the statues, and lastly check the time on the clock in the center painting. Use the table below to determine the sequence of stones. TIME SEQUENCE(PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE) ---- ----------------------------- 5:00 CRYSTAL-OBSIDIAN-AMBER 6:00 CRYSTAL-AMBER-OBSIDIAN 7:00 OBSIDIAN-CRYSTAL-AMBER 9:00 OBSIDIAN-AMBER-CRYSTAL 10:00 AMBER-CRYSTAL-OBSIDIAN 11:00 AMBER-OBSIDIAN-CRYSTAL After the stones are in order, take the GOLD GEAR from the center painting. Combine the GOLD GEAR with the SILVER GEAR to get the CHRONOS GEAR. You can leave now. SPIDER HALL Evade the spiders and get back to the other end of the hall. STUDY Go back to the FOYER through the other door you can see in the first camera angle. FOYER Go up the stairs. UPPER FOYER The spiders still have not returned, so you have a clear path to the next room. BALCONY Go up the ladder. MACHINERY ROOM Use the CHRONOS GEAR on the machinery next to the CHEST. The clock's bells will start ringing. Now set up your inventory like this: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with FREEZE ROUNDS), MAGNUM (optional) MINE THROWER, MINETHROWER ROUNDS (both optional) FULL HEALING ITEM, FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM, INK RIBBONS MORE HEALING ITEMS (optional) I strongly recommend you save your game. Leave after doing so. BALCONY The place is empty, but now we have cool bell sounds! (BONG! BONG!) After enjoying the noise, leave. SPEED INDICATOR: Get out the door before the third chime of the bells after the screen fades in. CLOCK TOWER COURTYARD Hold select for the FMV, then press select to skip the cutscene. This is the hardest battle in the game, and yet it is so easy with the proper planning. Nemesis has his bazooka, you are infected with the T- virus, and the helicopter wreckage that we magically conjured up out of nowhere is blocking all routes of escape! And now Nemesis is slowly coming towards you to finish the job! When you gain control, pound him with FREEZE ROUNDS until you hear the "chuchuck" of Nemesis reloading the rocket launcher. Run circles around him until he fires, then while he's loading another rocket, shoot him with a FREEZE ROUND. Then start running around him again before he can fire. Eventually, he'll get angry cuz he can't hit you and will try to whomp you on the head with that tube of steel. Pound him at point-blank with FREEZE ROUNDS. After five rockets, he will try to shoot you again, but when he realizes it's empty, he will break it in half like a stick! Then, he will do THE POSE. Meanwhile you've smacked him with several FREEZE ROUNDS. If he falls down, shoot him while he's getting up and doing the THE POSE. Use a full-healing item after every two hits from the rockets, or after every four blows from the side of the rocket launcher. When Nemesis begins to retreat, tap select. You will see Jill lying on the ground with Carlos. F->CLOCK TOWER AND HOSPITAL AS CARLOS ------------------------------------- CHAPEL After Jill says "I can't believe...I'm still alive.", rapidly tap select when the screen fades in to cancel the cutscene. We are now playing as Carlos. He has only 15 HANDGUN BULLETS for his HANDGUN and 300 AR BULLETS for his ASSAULT RIFLE. 300 bullets may sound like a lot of ammo, but the ASSAULT RIFLE eats it away like candy, so we will try to conserve as much as possible. Go to the CHEST and dump the INK RIBBONS. Leave. BALL ROOM All you have to do to get through this room safely is run at top speed in a straight line from the first door to the second door. DINING ROOM This room can be difficult to escape without getting bitten at least once. Evade as best as you can to the door. Only use your weapons in an emergency. You'll need a lot of ammo for what's coming soon. SPEED INDICATOR: You can get out of the room without being bitten while taking a direct path to the door. FOYER The FOYER has partially collapsed because of the helicopter wreckage we magically conjured up a few minutes ago by tapping select. The only way to go now is into the STUDY. STUDY Go to the green door. SPIDER HALL Most of the time you will have to deal with spiders, or you will encounter Drain Demioses here. Either way, evade them and go to the door at the other end of the hall. SPEED INDICATOR: You get through the whole room without being hit once. GODDESS ROOM The room is clear. Whew. Push the bell aside to access AGAIN ANOTHER door that looks like the one leading to Chief Irons's Sanctuary! Does he market those? STREET WITH HOSPITAL There is a long passage to the hospital from here, and plenty of zombies to fill in the space. Fortunately, they are not all packed into a group for once. They are spread out along the path. Plus the path is wide enough to dodge them easily, so evade your way to the entrance. HOSPITAL LOBBY Walk a little ways to trigger a scene where you are reintroduced to the Hunter. When you gain control again, let loose with the ASSAULT RIFLE. Watch out for his buddy who will make an appearance shortly after you kill him. When they are both dead, take the RED HERBS from the nook they came out of. Go into the door next to the receptionists' desk. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: Duck into the door after regaining control since it is only two steps away. HOSPITAL OFFICE Take the FIRST AID SPRAY if you want it and leave out the other door in this room. PRIVATE OFFICE Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the locker if you want it and the TAPE RECORDER off the desk. Now activate the voice lock next to the elevator. Use the TAPE RECORDER. The elevator will switch on. Take it to 4F. 4F HALLWAY One of two things will happen, the doors open and nothing will attack, or the doors open and a zombie mob attacks. If the latter occurs, rip them up with the ASSAULT RIFLE. Now go to the door that is straight down the hall from you (not right). "DATA ROOM" Tap select. There is a chance you will find HANDGUN BULLETS in the first camera angle behind Carlos. If they are not there, you will find them in the locker in the BASEMENT LABORATORY. Take the SICKROOM KEY near the bottles of chemicals. Leave. 4F HALLWAY Go down the hall to the left. Enter the first door you come to. ROOM 401 You will either be greeted by worms or sleeping zombies. Check the doctor corpse for a number on a slip of paper. Memorize it. Also look for a metallic cart in a corner that is low res. Memorize its position in the room. There may or may not be GREEN HERBS here. If they are not here, they will be in the BASEMENT LABORATORY. Leave. 4F HALLWAY Go to the next door in this hall. Use and discard the SICKROOM KEY on it. ROOM 402 You will notice this room is a mirrored version of ROOM 401, except the room is clean and free of gore. Push the metallic cart you see in this room into the same corner as its mirrored counterpart in the last room. For example: 401 402 ----- ---|--- ----- # - cart |# -----|----- #| | | bed|bed | | | -----|----- | ---------|--------- The painting on the wall will fall away to reveal a hidden cabinet. Use the code you got from the doctor's slip to open it. Take the VACCINE BASE out of the cabinet. Leave this place. 4F HALLWAY Go back to the elevator. Take it down to B3. B3 HALLWAY If you encountered zombies upstairs, then they won't be here, and vice versa. Cut them down with the ASSAULT RIFLE if they are here and go out the door at the other end of the hall. BASEMENT LABORATORY Gun down the first Hunter, then either toast the other one with the dynamite or gun him down as normal. If you want it, and it's here and not upstairs, there is a box of HANDGUN BULLETS in a locker. If you didn't find the GREEN HERBS in ROOM 401, then they will be behind the place where the second Hunter appeared. Go out the next door. HUNTER FACTORY Oh gosh, there are Hunters in capsules! And you can bet anything they won't just quietly sit there like part of the decor. Anyway, take the MEDIUM BASE and throw the switch. Then use the MEDIUM BASE on the synthesizer. You can now see a fancy control panel. Well, here's a guess I have totally picked at random: I, III, then A. It worked? Lady Luck's at my side :) Take the VACCINE MEDIUM and combine it with the VACCINE BASE to make the VACCINE. Try to leave and the Hunters will crash out just as we predicted. Fortunately, the programmers prolonged this "surprise" attack too much. Any fool could easily get to the exit since it's only four steps away. BASEMENT LABORATORY Nothing here, because you already dealt with the Hunters. Leave. B3 HALLWAY Hold R2+X if you didn't see zombies earlier to instantly kill a Hunter. Run a little farther and another Hunter will pop out. Kill him too and take the elevator back to 1F. PRIVATE OFFICE You will either encounter Hunters or zombies. Gun them down and head for the exit. HOSPITAL OFFICE Nothing here to do except pass through on the way to the entrance. HOSPITAL LOBBY Carlos spots a time bomb attached to the wall! And it will detonate in approximately...7 seconds! Quick, get outta there! SPEED INDICATOR: Get out of the lobby with 5 seconds or more still on the clock. STREET WITH HOSPITAL Hold select to skip the FMV. Go back inside the clock tower. GODDESS ROOM Who's making all that noise? While you were gone, a pack of zombies has taken another victim and they are all enjoying their meal...or you encountered worms. Either way, you have enough time to get out before there is unnecessary fighting. SPIDER HALL Slip past all the monsters. Do not worry if you are poisoned or about the noise overhead. STUDY Go back out the other door you can see in the first camera angle. FOYER When you're about halfway across the room, tap select. Nemesis has magically appeared in the room. Do a 180 and leave. SPEED INDICATOR: You get out of the room before Nemesis gets a chance to swing those tentacles or starts running after you. DINING ROOM The zombies have dispersed, so leave out the other door. BALL ROOM Nemmy will run in through the window. Avoid him and get into the CHAPEL. CHAPEL Use the VACCINE on Jill. Rapidly tap select when Carlos begins to bend over to apply it. You will hear Jill groan a bit, then she will be alone. Set up you inventory this way: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS LOCKPICK (important!), FULL HEALING ITEM I labeled the LOCKPICK as important because countless times I have forgotten it and had to run all the way back here from the STREET WITH HOSPITAL. I don't want you to make the same mistake. Leave. G->CLOCK TOWER AND PARK AS JILL ------------------------------ BALL ROOM/DINING ROOM Walk out into the open. Nemmy will crush the door with his mighty tentacles and run at you. Evade on his right side and run out the double doors. SPEED INDICATOR: You get away from Nemesis so he stops his tentacles in mid-swing. FOYER There is a short pursuit, but Nemesis won't catch you as long as you don't get caught on the rubble. STUDY Head for the green door (surprise!). SPIDER HALL The spiders have gone, leaving you with a clear path. Again you will have another brief race with the Big N. GODDESS HALL You can still hear Nemesis's music but he won't follow you anymore. Strange. Leave out the door you cleared as Carlos. STREET WITH HOSPITAL (or what's left of it) Run across the street and use the LOCKPICK for the last time on the door with the window. Enter. PARK OFFICE Take the GRENADE ROUNDS or MINE THROWER ROUNDS from the locker, and take a box of MINE THROWER ROUNDS or GRENADE ROUNDS off the table. Grab the PARK KEY off the bulletin board. Bring this stuff in your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN ROUNDS LIGHTER, RELOADING TOOL FULL HEALING ITEM (optional) Leave. STREET WITH HOSPITAL (or what's left of it) Evade the two zombies between you and the park's gates. Use and discard the PARK KEY. Enter Raccoon Park. PARK CENTRAL PLAZA You are greeted by either worms or hunters hiding in the fountains. Evade both and get down the stairs on the far right of this area. POND WALK This area has random monsters also. You are greeted by zombies or Hunters that jump out of the pond. If there are zombies, simply gun them all down and head across the bridge to the next area. If there are Hunters, you can escape them fairly easily because they must jump from the pond before attacking. PATHWAY IN PARK Yet another room with a random monster tossup. You are attacked by either three dogs or three (!) Hunters. Dogs are easy to kill, just let them get close and blast 'em. Then while they are down, stand over them and shoot them on the ground till they die. Hunters are harder since they can leap at you from across the room. Wait until they are fairly close and blast them twice. You can also use the exploding barrel to help. Take another PARK KEY off the first dead merc, and take the MAGNUM BULLETS off the other merc farther ahead you find here. Go back the way you came. POND WALK If you left the Hunters alive, then now is the time to kill them. If you confronted zombies and killed them all, simply leave. PARK CENTRAL PLAZA Cross the small bridge and open the gate over on the other side of the plaza. FOUNTAIN AREA Run straight ahead and you will find 3 GREEN HERBS and 2 BLUE HERBS. You can either mix all the GREEN HERBS to get one LARGE GREEN HERB MIXTURE, or save them for a little later when you get some RED HERBS. You can save the BLUE HERBS to make BROWN HERB MIXTURE if you want to. Next, run to the blue machine to be presented with a simple puzzle. I'll let you do this one on your own since it's so easy. After the water drains from the fountain, a ladder is exposed. Go down it. PARK DRAINAGE PIPE Run against the flow of the water until you reach the next platform, then climb up the ladder. Ignore the worms raining down from above. GRAVEYARD Several zombies will climb out of their graves to get you, but they are too slow to claw through the dirt to catch you. Use the PARK KEY on the door at the end of the right fork of the snaking path. BTW, if you turn left at the fork, you can find 2 RED HERBS, but you will have to kill two, maybe three extra zombies. Nothing you shouldn't be able handle if you made it this far. GRAVEYARD SHED Pick up the IRON PIPE from the cabinet, then use the LIGHTER on the wood in the fireplace (discard). Then use the IRON PIPE on the fireplace. A secret passage is exposed. Don't enter it yet, though. You will find 2 GUN POWDER A'S and B'S on the table. I'll let you decide what to do with them. Go into the other door. GRAVEYARD SAVE ROOM Set up your inventory like this: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS STI EAGLE, FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM Save if you want to. No HANDGUN BULLETS! Leave. GRAVEYARD SHED Go into the secret passage. GRAVEYARD SECRET ROOM Take the GRENADE ROUNDS off the shelves, and the last PARK KEY off the table. Try to leave. Tap select to avoid the radio communication. Leave. GRAVEYARD SHED Tap select to avoid communication with Nicholai. Go out into the GRAVEYARD. GRAVEYARD Equip the STI EAGLE. Then run forward. Hold select to avoid the FMV. This fight isn't as unfair as it may seem. Hold up+Square to run straight ahead and barely miss the Gravedigger. Now run to the other side of the U-shaped arena Gravedigger has created. Stand a few feet away from the very end of the path. Now Gravedigger will do one of two attack patterns for the rest of the fight. Pattern 1: Gravedigger comes out of the ground entirely for a full assault. To stall him, get in front of him and he will rear up to slash you with his teeth. While he is doing that, run away from him. He will miss and go back underground. Pattern 2: Gravedigger pops up out of the ground for a quick bite then dives back. Standing at the end of the path, Gravedigger will usually attempt pattern 2, which you can easily evade by running forward a few steps as he emerges, then running back to where you were standing before. After a few minutes, you'll see a cutscene of two lamp posts being shaken loose. Run over to those lamp posts and shoot them. Stand in the area with the water but DO NOT step into it. A few moments later, the electricity will fry Gravedigger and all you used during the fight was two bullets :) Climb up the fence that shook loose to get out of here. PARK DRAINAGE PIPE Avoid the worms and get back to the ladder at the other end of the passage. FOUNTAIN AREA The music has changed for this area, and man is it cool! There is nothing more for you to do here except leave for the plaza. PARK CENTRAL PLAZA Kill the single bridge zombie and leave down the stairs on the other side of the area. POND WALK We have already destroyed everything here, so just go to the next area. PATH IN PARK Go to the end of the path and use the final PARK KEY on the rather securely locked gate. Enter. FACTORY BRIDGE Run up and step onto the bridge. Rapidly tap select to cancel Nemesis's dramatic entrance and see THE POSE. Live Selection->Jump off. Tap select again to hasten your exit. H->DEAD FACTORY --------------- WATER WASTE OUTLET Climb into the opening where water is spilling out, and climb up the ladder you come to. WATER WASTE CANAL Climb up the first ledge you come to and enter the door on it. SEWAGE MONITOR ROOM Take the WATER SAMPLE off the flashing thingamabob, and see what's behind Door Number 2! WATER TESTING ROOM Go down the stairs. Another random item arrangement. You could find 3 GUN POWDER A'S, 3 GUN POWDER B'S, both, or nothing at all. If you get both, immediately use them to make a CCC MIXTURE. If you find one group or the other, save them because the other group is coming later for you to make a CCC MIXTURE. Take the FIRST AID SPRAY if you want it and insert the WATER SAMPLE in the large machine dominating the far wall. This is easily the most frustrating puzzle in the whole Resident Evil series! Fortunately there are only four solutions that I will list for you: FIRST TWO LEVELS SOLUTION ---------------- -------- HI-NONE A->RIGHT(1) B->RIGHT(1) C->LEFT (2) MID-LOW A->LEFT (1) B->RIGHT(3) C->RIGHT(4) MID-NONE A->LEFT (4) B->RIGHT(2) C->LEFT (2) HI-LOW A->LEFT (1) B->LEFT (2) C->RIGHT(2) Trust me, this table will make sense when you see the control panel. After you solve the puzzle, lock 1 on an electronic door is released. Go back the way you came. SPEED INDICATOR: You don't accidentally enter a wrong code. SEWAGE MONITOR ROOM Set up your inventory in this manner: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM, MAGNUM BULLETS (if you're feeling paranoid) FULL HEALING ITEM, BLUE HERB or HERB MIXUTRE THAT CURES POISON Also use the CCC MIXTURE (if you've got it) with GRENADE ROUNDS to get your last batch of FREEZE ROUNDS. Leave. WATER WASTE CANAL Tap select when you hear a "ZOW!". You have just ended another cutscene. Leave out the other door. WASTE POOL AREA This room has the most monster scenarios in the whole game! These are all the types of monsters I've encountered here: zombies, Drain Demioses, Brain Suckers, and Hunters. In any case, kill them all (except for the ones that won't come out of the pool). Use the barrel if there are monsters near it. There are also two boxes of SHOTGUN SHELLS sitting on the cart next to the computer. Jump into the elevator. SPEEDY ALTERNATIVE: Go straight to the elevator ignoring the monsters and SHOTGUN SHELLS. FACTORY ELEVATOR Press the button on the wall to proceed to the next area. WASTE MONITOR ROOM Time to waste some ammo! Kill all the zombies by decapitating them with the SHOTGUN. Use the GREEN HERBS to make one LARGE GREEN HERB MIXTURE. Also, take the SYSTEM DISC lying on the table with the electronic equipment. Leave out the black and gray door. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR Tap select immediately, then enter the door behind Jill and down the hall. RESTING ROOM The GUN POWDER you didn't find in the WATER TESTING ROOM will be here. Use it to make the CCC MIXTURE if you haven't done so already, then use the CCC MIXTURE with the GRENADE ROUNDS to make your last batch of FREEZE ROUNDS. STEAM VALVE ROOM The last puzzle is in this room, and it is really quite simple. Press each button once when you come to it, and if there is a pair of buttons, press the one on the left before pressing the one on the right. In a few moments you'll already be at the terminal that controls lock 2 on the electronic door. Activate the terminal and leave. Take the BLUE HERBS if you want them. RESTING ROOM Set up your inventory in this manner: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with at least 20 FREEZE ROUNDS), SYSTEM DISC SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS (optional) MAGNUM, MAGNUM BULLETS at least 1 FULL HEALING ITEM, MORE HEALING ITEMS (optional) Save if you want to and leave. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR Go back to the other door you used to enter here. WASTE MONITOR ROOM Go to the now-unlocked door with the green light. ROOM BEFORE DISPOSAL ROOM Use the SYSTEM DISC on the slot in the wall. DISPOSAL ROOM Watch another dramatic Nemesis appearance and his last POSE. Now the fight starts. This fight is relatively easy as long as you can stay out of Nemmy's reach while pounding him with FREEZE ROUNDS and MAGNUM BULLETS. You could use the acid valves, but that takes too much time and accuracy for me. Nemesis will collapse to the floor after about 18 freezes, headless and armless. Now take the KEY CARD off the dead scientist, use it on the reader next to the door, and get out of there. Hold select to shorten the FMV. SPEED INDICATOR: You kill Nemesis and leave with more than 2:20 on the clock. ROOM BEFORE DISPOSAL ROOM A cheerful voice will tell you that there is a missile on the way to your location! Leave the room. WASTE MONITOR ROOM Zombies have respawned here. Decap the ones in your way with the SHOTGUN and get back to the ENTRANCE CORRIDOR. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR Use the KEY CARD on the reader next to the shutter. Destroy the three zombies and use the GREEN HERBS you find to update your health to FINE. Leave out the door next to them. OBSERVATION POINT Take the MAGNUM BULLETS out of the broken glass cabinet, then take the RADAR RECEIVER off the counter with all the levers. Try to exit the room. Tap select when you hear the beeping noise. Nicholai and his helicopter appear and start shooting. Live Selection->Negotiate with Nicholai. Tap select furiously until Carlos magically appears in the room. Try to go down the ladder, and Carlos runs away after mumbling some stuff. When Jill turns to check the ladder rapidly tap select till the fast paced music begins again. Descend. SLEEPER ZOMBIE HALL Go to the last CHEST and here is my last inventory setup. Aren't you glad you won't have to put up with them any more?: MINE THROWER, MINE THROWER ROUNDS MAGNUM, MAGNUM BULLETS GRENADE LAUNCHER(loaded with FREEZE ROUNDS), SEVERAL FULL HEALING ITEMS Avoid the first sleeping zombie, and shoot the other live zombie at the end of the hall with the MINE THROWER. Go out the rusted doors. CAR SCRAP YARD Just enter the door at the end of this snaking path. WASTE INCINERATOR This room is quite interesting. You can see several dead Mr. X's lying around, including one in his advanced stage. And there are also several dead army troops about the place with their weapons still in hand. Real shame you can't pick them up. Looks like there was a fight here recently...oh well! It doesn't matter cuz this place will be vaporized in less than 5 minutes! Go to the console and activate the RAIL GUN'S batteries. Push in the first battery. Ultimate Nemesis in all his glory comes down from the ceiling. Do a 180 and get to the second battery at the other end of the room. Shove it in, then run to the third battery and shove it in too. Now the RAIL GUN will start charging...very...slowly. All the time blast Nemesis with any powerful weapon (i.e., MAGNUM, GRENADE LAUNCHER, etc.) while keeping out of his reach. After the RAIL GUN finishes charging, it will create a path through that huge piece of machinery in the center of the room, creating a square shaped path. Now lure Nemesis into the path of the RAIL GUN'S fire, and it'll roast him! Try to leave. It seems Nemesis STILL isn't finished for good! Well, I guess we'll just have to accept not being able to kill him, so... Live Selection->Ignore it and evacuate. SPEED INDICATOR: Nemesis dies on the first hit from the RAIL GUN. ELEVATOR ROOM Take the elevator up. SCRAP SITE Walk out into the open to trigger the final cut scene and FMV. Enjoy the movies... THE END You have now (hopefully) finished the game with the fabled A rank, gotten all the hidden COSTUMES, and earned THE MERCENARIES MINIGAME. Save your GAME when prompted. Shut off the PLAYSTATION (or PLAYSTATION 2, in my case). Go to your KITCHEN. KITCHEN Get a DR. PEPPER. Use it to update your health to FINE again. Wait a minute, we're not playing the game anymore. Sorry, see ya :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks - Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist! - Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and this game! - Thanks to Vmerken! I think his guides are fantastic! - Thanks to Capcom for making another great RE sequel! - BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright This guide is MINE, MINE, MINE MINE MINE MINE, EENY MEENY MINEY MINE. You MAY print this guide out so long it is for nonprofitable reasons and it is printed completely and not in fragments. This guide MAY NOT be printed for profitable reasons (even if you don't make any money off of it). I am not making this guide so some big, fat, lazy writer can slack off and get paid for it. If you ignore this copyright you are breaking the law. Never underestimate the power of your government and the long arm of the law. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |